
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Godina Shaggar Lixaa aanota adda adda keessatti loltooti Dargii duraanii kanneen turan walgahii Wayyaanee didan. FDG Yuuniversitii Wallaggaas itti fufe.

Godina Shaggar Lixaa aanota adda adda keessatti loltooti Dargii duraanii kanneen turan walgahii Wayyaanee didan. FDG Yuuniversitii Wallaggaas itti fufe.

Gabaasa Qeerroo Fulbaana 18,2014 Amboo
diddaa9Fulbaana 17,2014 Godina Shaggar lixaa Aanotaa garaagaraa irraa mootummaan Wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo loltuu Dargii turan gandoota keessa walitti qabuun  walga’ii ololaa kan qabsoo Oromoo dura dhaabbatuu fi olaantummaa fedha Habashootaa tiksu itti fufee uumanni loltoota Dargii turan duraanii gaaffii mirgaa itti kaasan. Loltooti kun ilaalcha Ithiyoophiyuummaa ni qabaatu sababa jedhuun waamichi kun ta’es jarreen kun olola qondaalota Wayyaanee kana hin fudhatne.
Godina Lixa Shaggar Aanotaa akka Midaa Qanyii, Calliyaa Geedoo, Iluu Galaan Ijaajjii, fi Baabbicha irraa aanaa Calliyaa Geedoo irratti ilmaan Oromoo loltoota Dargii ta’an walitti kan qabaman yeroo ta’u  walga’iin Wayyaanee guyyaa tokkotti bu’aa tokko malee fashalaa’e.
Ilmaan Oromoo haala kanaan walitti qabaman kunneen nuti isin hin barbaadnu, walga’ii keessanis hin teenyu, isin warraa qe’eetti dhukaasee nama ajjeesudha, warraa barattoota rasaasaan reebudha, warra lafa irraa Oromoo buqqisuudha, warraa afaan qawweetti amanudha jechuun walga’ii wayyaanee fi akeeka Wayyaanee dura dhaabbatan.
Kana malees  Fulbaana 16,2014 FDG goototni  Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Wallaggaatti maqaa walga’ii ololaa Wayyaanee marsaa 2ffaaf walitti qabaman  guyyaa kaleessaa Walga’ii Wayyaanee hin fudhannuu jechuun guyyaa guutuu galma walga’iitti seenuu diduun walga’iicha dhabaan.
Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Wallaggaatti wallaggatti walitti qabaman gaaffii mirgaa gaafachuu ergamtootni Wayyaanee walga’icha gaggeessan kan Zalaalem Jamaneedhaan hogganaman akka barattootni gaaffii hin gaafatne gaaffii barattoota irraa fuudhuu diduun gaaffii barattoota ugguraa waan jiraniif  barattootni gaaffii keenya nurraa fuudhaa deebii nuuf kenna jechuun mormii kaasuun walga’ii wayyaanee dhaaban. Guyyaa Har’aa mootummaan wayyaanee humna poolisii federaalaatti fayyadamuun dirqamaan akka galma walga’ichaa seenaan ta’uus barattootni Walga’iin kun nu hin ilaallatu hanga gaaffiin keenya nurraa fuudhamuu fi gaaffiin gaafachaa turre deebii quubsaa argatutti FDG garbummaa itti fufa jechuun dhaamsa waliif dabarsan.
Yuunibarsiitii Amboottis haaluma walfakkaatuun barattootni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa akka hin kaafneef humna waraanaatiin dhorkaman, namni gaaffii tokko gaggeesitoota Wayyaanee gaafate, walga’ii kana irraas ni arii’ama, gara mooraa Yuunibarsiitii kamii seenee barachuu hin danda’uu jechuun barattootatti yeroo dhaadatan ;Goototni barattootni Oromoo Godina Lixa Shaggar irraa  Yuunibarsiitii Ambootti walitti qabaman barnootni bilisummaa booda, ” sodaa abjuu hirriba malee hin bulan” dabbaloota Wayyaanee rifaasisan. Sochiin barattoota Oromoo daran jabaachaa adeemu mootuummaa Wayyaaneetti mataa dhukkubbii ta’aa jiraachuun ibsame jira.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ethiopia: A Generation at Risk, Plight of Oromo Students

Ethiopia: A Generation at Risk, Plight of Oromo Students

HRLHA Urgent Action

September 06, 2014
The human rights abuses against Oromo Students in different universities have continued unabated over the past six months- more than a hundred Oromo students were extra-judicially wounded or killed, while thousands were jailed by a special squad: the “Agazi” force
This harsh crackdown against the Oromo students, which resulted in deaths, arrests, detentions and disappearances, happened following a peaceful protest by the Oromo students and the Oromo people  in April –  May  2014 against  the so-called  “Integrated Master Plan of Addis Ababa”. This plan was targeted at the annexation of many small towns of Oromia to the capital Addis Ababa. It would have meant the eviction of around six million Oromos from their lands and long-time livelihoods without being consulted or giving consent. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has repeatedly expressed its deep concern about such human rights violations against the Oromo nation by the EPRDF government[1]
The HRLHA reporter in Addis Ababa confirmed that in connection with the April-May, 2014 peaceful protests among the many students picked from different universities and other places in the regional State of Oromia and  detained in Maikelawi /”the Ethiopian Guantanamo bay Detention camp” ,the following nine students and another four, Abdi Kamal, TofiK Kamal and Abdusamad   business men from Eastern Hararge Dirre Dawa town and Chaltu Duguma (F) an employee of Wallaga Universty    are in critical condition due to the continuous severe torture inflicted upon them in the past five months.Ethiopi1 HRLHA Urgent Action

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Gaafa Hagayya 31,Barattooti Oromoo Gaaffiilee Wal Fakkaataa Yuuniversitoota Mara Keessatti Kaasanii Hogganoota Wayyaanee Deebii Dhabsiisan.

Gaafa Hagayya 31,Barattooti Oromoo Gaaffiilee Wal Fakkaataa Yuuniversitoota Mara Keessatti Kaasanii Hogganoota Wayyaanee Deebii Dhabsiisan.

 Fulbaana 2,2014 Finfinnee
diddaa9Akkuma armaan dura gabaasaa turretti yeroodhaa yerootti walgayiin barattootaa yuuniversitiilee garagaraa irratti gaggeeffanaa jiruun gaaffiwwan adda addaa biqiluudhaan dhiyaataa jira, gaaffiin yuuniversitiilee Amboo,Wallaggaa,Bulee Horaa,Adaamaa, Jimmaa fi Mattuu irratti Hagayya 31/2014 walgayii irratti gaggeeffamaa ture qondaalota wayyaanee walgayii kana gaggeessaa jiran Abba Duula Gammadaa,Abdulqadir Huseen,Bakar Shaalee,Alamaayyoo Taganuu,Geetuu Wayyeessaa,Mohaammad Tusaa wal duraa duubaan irratti dhiyaata jiru deebii kan hin arganne gaaffiwwan akkaataa armaan gadiitiin dhiyaatee jira.
  1. Biyyattiin haaromsa irra jirti(transformation) yeroo jedhamu maal jechuudha? Maalinis madaalamee?
  2. Biyyattiin sochiin waggoota 40 fi 50moota keessatti gootu mootummaadhuma Wayyaaneetiinii? Moo mormitoota biraatiini? Wayyaaneen yoo itti fufe misoomnis itti fufa jechuudhaa?
  3. Hidhaan laga Abbayaa maaliif daangaa irratti ta’ee?
  4. Barattootii fi uumanni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa yoo gaafate yakka tokko malee maaliif hidhamaa?
  5. ABOn akka dhaaba uumata Oroomoof falmu tokkotti dhaaba haqaa jedhamee maaliif hin ilaalamnee?
  6. Mootummaan Wayyaanee Ummata Oromoo hidhuu fi ajjeessuu fi lafa irraa buqisuun malee waan Oromoof gaarummaa hojjete maalfaatu jiraa?
  7. Qooddaan barnootaa maaliif jiraate? Keesssattuu socialiin %70,Naturalin ammo %30 maalif ta’ee?
  8. Mootummaan Wayyaanee waggaa 23 keessatti jijjiirama maalii uummata Oromoof fidee?
  9. Barattoota gaaffii mirgaa dhiyeessuu irratti lubbuudhaan wareegamanif maalif yaadannoon hin godhamuu?
  10. Barattoota Yuuniversitii irraa eebbifamani fi kanneen eebbifamuuf deemaniif maaltu yaadamaa jiraa?
  11. Keeyyanti 39 walitti bu’iinsa fi lubbuun baayenillee hedduu itti wareegamee jira kanaaf maaliif hin kaafamu yoo ka’u baate ammoo maaliif hin faayya’uu gaaffii dhugaa irratti hundaa’ee?
  12. Humni waraana biyyaa nagaa buusuuf jecha gara biyya alaatti maaliif ergama?kunis akkamiin ilaalamaa?
  13. Manni maxxansaa haqa irratti hundaa’e mootummaan wayyaanee cufee namoota kana hojjetanis biyyaa ariyee jira,dhiibbaa mootummaan wayyaanee irratti godhe yoo tahe qaamni mormitootaa ammoo maaliif isaan irratti dhiibbaa hin godhuu?
  14. Walgayiin yeroo ammaa gaggeeffama jiru waa’ee barattootaa qofamoo, waa’ee biyyaatimoo, waa’ee oromoo qofa irratti hundaa’eetii? Moo waa’ee sabaa fi sab-lammii hunda irratti xiyyeeffataa?
  15. Mootummaan wayyaanee dhiphina guddaa fi kisaaraa(gadibu’iinsa) keessa erga darbee booda waan ta’etti irra deebiidhaan maaliif tarkaanfii fudhataa? Rakkoo dhufu keessatti maalif dursee of qopheessee haala mudatu keessatti of qopheessuu dhiise?
  16. Aangowonni olaanaa fooyya’oodha, yeroo ammaa mootummichi gandoota ijaarratee jirutu irratti wal qindeessee isa kuffisuu irratti argamu, mee bulchinsa godhu keessatti ilaalcha akkamii gandoota gurma’anii of ijaaranii jiran irratti qaba?
  17. Yuniversitiilee keessatti yaadaa dhiphaa fi fakkaattiidhaan kan deddebi’antu argamu,isaan kana adda baafachuudhaan akkamiin gorsaan, of tahuu irratti akka argama gochu dandeenya? Oromoo ta’anii saba biraa fakkaachuun kan jiraatan?
  18. Yuuniversitii keessatti seerri ittiin bulmaataa amantii irraa adda ta’ee utuu jiruu, bulchitoonnis kana utuu beekanii malaammaltummaa kan akka huccuu isaan kaaniif kennuun,isaan kaaniif ammo gargaaraa kennuun,haata’u malee yuuniversitii fi dhaabbilee barnootaa kamiin keessattiyyuu ilaalchi siyaasaa akkamiin gargar ta’ee?
  19. Barattootni kanaan dura rakkoo garagaraaf hidhaman maaliif hin hiikamanii? Murtoo akamiitu itti kennamee?
Gaaffiwwan kun deebii kan hin arganneedha jedhu kanneen walgayii kana irratti hirmaataa jiran,kun Hagayya gaafa 31kan ta’e yoo tahu fulbaana 2 irrattis gaaffiwwan ka’an kanatti aansinee kan dhiyeessinuudha.

Poverty on the Streets of Addis Ababa

Poverty on the Streets of Addis Ababa

Published on September 1st, 2014 | by Meredith Maulsby
Published on September 1st, 2014 | by Meredith Maulsby
September 2, 2014 (The baines report) — Poverty can easily be seen throughout the capital of Ethiopia, but nowhere is it more evident than when you pass a beggar on the street.  Beggars are everywhere in Addis Ababa, and they represent a vast range of demographics. There are men, women, children of all ages and conditions– some with their mothers, some without, and the severely disabled.
Older children, rather than begging, try to sell you gum or clean your shoes, while the younger children walk in front of you asking for money or food, not leaving you until they spot another person to ask.  The women are often with young children, sometimes babies, and usually with more than one.  I was once walking down the street and a young child no older than 2 or 3 who was being held by his mother made the signal they all make to ask for food or money while calling me sister.  I thought this child probably learned this signal before he even learned how to speak.  Women are often seen grilling corn on the sidewalk on a small grill to sell to people passing by.
I have been told the severely disabled have most likely suffered from stunting, polio or the war.  I have seen men with disfigured legs so mangled that they can not walk but instead drag themselves down the sidewalk. Others are in wheelchairs and unable to walk.  And this city is not easy for the disabled.  The sidewalks, where they exist, are not always flat and not always paved. There are also often giant holes in the middle of the sidewalk or loose concrete slabs covering gutters.  On the main roads, near where I’m staying there are tarps and blankets off to the side of the road where the beggars must sleep or live.
It is a very difficult scene to walk through.  You want to help them all and give everyone a little bit of money or food. But there are so many it would be nearly impossible to give to them all.  We have been told to not give to beggars because once you give to one you will be surrounded by others.  When people do give money to beggars it is often very small bills or coins that will not go very far.
I have often wondered how much money they actually receive. Perhaps it would be beneficial to do more in depth look at why these people became beggars and where they come from. After a cursory search for research and reports on beggars in Addis Ababa, I found very little.  There is a study on the disabled beggars and a report focusing on children.  There is a documentary that follows two women who come to the capital from a rural town and become beggars in order to raise money for their family when climate change creates a food shortage.
Both the government of Ethiopia and large NGO’s, like USAID and the UN, are working to stop the “cycle of poverty.”   There are major health and nutrition projects being implemented all over the country, but these are long-term projects that do not address the immediate needs of people on the streets. Short term solutions such as creating shelters or centers for the disabled and homeless could allow beggars more opportunities for housing but could also generate income potential through workshops and other skill development programs.

Monday, September 1, 2014

ትዉልዱ ግልጽ አቋም! September 1, 2014 “አንገዛም!” የትዉልዱ ግልጽ አቋም!

ትዉልዱ ግልጽ አቋም!


  የትዉልዱ ግልጽ አቋም!

Qerroooይህ ትዉልድ የባርነትን ሠንሠለት ሰባብሮ ፍርሃትን ገድሎ ነጻነቱን ፍለጋ እስከ ወዲያኛዉ አድማስ ጥግ እንኳ ቢሆን ለመጓዝ ወስኖ የወጣ ጀግና ትዉልድ ነዉና “አልገዛም!” ካላ ቃሉ ጽኑ ነዉ!
ነጻነትን ያረገዛ ትውልድ ግፍና ጭፍጨፋ አላቆመዉም። የደቡብ አፍርካዉ የስዌቶ  ጭፍጨፋ (the Soweto Massacre 1976 ) ፣ በኬንያ የታየዉ  የሆላ ጭፍጨፋ “Hola massacre 1959” ወይም በሃሬሮና ነማ ሕዝቦች ላይ የተፈጸመዉ የነሚቢያዉ ጅኖሳይድ  “Herero and Nama Genocide 1904” አልያም የ‘Robben Island’” እስር የትዉልዱን የነጻነት ጥያቄ እንዳልገታ ፤ የነጻነትን ብርሃን እንዳላጫለማ ታሪክ ምንጊዜም ህያዉ መስካር ነዉ።
ዛሬም ቢሆን ከማዕከላዊ እስከ ቃሊቲ፣ ከቅሊንጦ እስከ  ዝዋይ የእስር ቤቱ ቁጥር ቢባዛም ፣ የማሰቃያ ዓይነቶች ቢበራከቱም ፣ ግዲያና ሽብር ቢፋፋምም  ይህ ትዉልድ “ነጻነቴን!” ብሎ ወቷልና ፈጽሞ  የሚያቆም አይሆንም። ነጻነትን የተጠማ ትዉልድ ለእዉነት በእዉነት የሚታገል ኀያል ኃይል (Super Power) ያለዉ ባለራዕይ የነጻነት ሠራዊት እንጂ በመንደርተኞች ኣሉባልታ የሚሳናከል እርባናብስ ስብስብ አይዴለምና!
በተደጋጋሚ እንደተገለጸዉም ሆነ በታግባር እንደተረጋገጠ የትዉልዱ መሠረታዊ ዓላማ (basic Objective) የኦሮሞ ሕዝብን ብሔራዊ ነጻነትን ማረጋገጥ ነዉ። ለዚህ ዓላማ ስኬት ሕዝባችን ዘማናትን ያስቆጠረ ዉድ ዋጋ ስከፍልበት ቆይቶ አሁን ለባርነት የመጨረሻ ስንብት የሚደረግበት  ያታርክ ፊጻሜ ላይ አድርሰዉታል። ይህንን የትግል ምዕራፍ በኃላፊነት የተረከበዉ ትዉልድም ኃላፊነቱን ጠንቅቆ የሚያዉቅ ብቻ ሳይሆን ኃላፊንቱ የሚጠይቀዉን ዋጋም  (responsibility) ጭምር ለመወጣት ዝግጁ ስለመሆኑ በአደባባይ አስመስክሯል። ነጻነት በነጻ አይገኝምና ሞትና እስራት ሳይገድበዉ ርቆ ተጉዟል።
ያለነጻነት መኖር ያዉም ደግሞ በአናሳ ቡድን ነጻነትን መነጠቅ በእጅጉ የስቆጣል። ሕመሙም ጥልቅ ነዉ። ይህንን ታሪካዊ ጥላሸት ለመንጻት  እስከ አሁን የተከፈለዉን ዉድ ዋጋ  እያሰብን ከእንግዲህ ወዲያ ይህ ታርክ የህዝባችን መታወቂያ ሆኖ እንዳይቀጥል ታሪካዊ ግዴታችንን ለመወጣት እነሆ በየፍልሚያ መስኮች ሁሉ ተሰልፈናል። ነጻነቱን የጠየቀ ሕዝብ ተሻግሮ ይሄዳል። ማሸጋጋሪያ ኃይሉ ደግሞ በዘመኑ ላይ የተገኘ ትዉልድ ነዉ። ለኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ያ ትዉልድ ተነስቷል። “እምብኝ ነጻነቴ!” ብሎ ታጥቆ የወጣ ትዉልድ ተንበርካኪ አሽከሮች (Bakar Shaalee, Warqinaa Gabayyoo, Abbaa Duulaa Gammadaa, Alamaayyoo Taganuu, Abdulqaadir Huseen, Geetuu Wayyeessaa, Mohammad Tusaa, Isheetuu Dassee…) በሚያሰሙት ጭንቀት ወለድ  ሠሞነኛ ጩሃት ይቅርና  የቅኝ ገዢዎችን በታሊዮን ሠራዊት እንኳን ቢሆን   በትኖ የሚያልፍ ፣ ሞትን የደፈረ   ፣ በደሙ ጎርፍ  ሕያዉ ታርካዊ ዝክርን ጽፎ የሚያልፍ በዘማናት ዉስጥ አንዴ ብቻ የሚገኝ ፍርሃት ዓልባ ብርቅዬ ትውልድ ነዉ።
በመሆኑም በቀጥታም ሆነ   በተዘዋዋሪ ፣ ከዉስጥም ይሁን ከዉጭ ዛሬ የኦሮሞን የነጻነት ትግል ለማደናቀፍ ለሚትሹ ኃይሎች በሙሉ መልስ አለን። መልሳችን ኃይልን በኃይል ለማስቆም የደፈረ ትዉልድ መነሳቱ ነዉ። ይህ ትዉልድ የባርነትን ሠንሠለት ሰባብሮ ፍርሃትን ገድሎ ነጻነቱን ፍለጋ እስከ ወዲያኛዉ አድማስ ጥግ እንኳ ቢሆን ለመጓዝ ወስኖ የወጣ ጀግና ትዉልድ ነዉና “አልገዛም!” ካላ ቃሉ ጽኑ ነዉ!
ይህ የትዉልዱ ግልጽ አቋም ነዉ።
ሕይዋታችን ለነጻነታችን!!
September 1, 2014