
Friday, May 31, 2013

Inside Story- Death on the Nile – Al Jazeera Video


Nemera Dinsa
Nemera Dinsa
By Nemera Dinsa W | May 31, 2013
The table below shows that the TPLF regime has a virtual monopoly over political power; and this monopoly is established among other things through the introduction of ethnic politics into the political process. In Ethiopia, ethnic politics is at the helm of the military and other civic organizations, which naturally are supposed to be politically neutral institutions. I urge donor nations and other international aid agencies to pay particular attention to this overwhelming evidence and reconsider their policies towards a regime that benefits the few. 50% of the country populations are Oromo’s but there is no any position for ethnic OROMOS in army. This shows weyane / TPLF they made our Oromia like Syria tomorrow by ethnic violence. Obviously, donor nations and tax payers in donor countries do not want to see their funds used by dictators who deny freedom and justice to the very people to whom the aid is intended. Likewise, no democratic citizen of the world wants its hard earned money to go to a Third World country and be used to prop up a dictatorial regime that muffles free press and kills democratic movements like Ethiopia.
The domination of Tigre in army power never stops the freedom way of Our Oromia and Oromos with OLF!
Defense Departments
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
1Armed Forces Chief-of-StaffGeneral Smora Yenus
2Armed Forces Head of TrainingLt.General Tadesse Worde
3Head of LogisticsLt.General Gezae Abera
4Head of IntelligenceBr. General Gebre Dela
5Armed Forces Head of CampaignMajor General Gebreegzher
6Armed Forces Head of EngineeringLt.General Berhane Negash
7Chief of the Air ForceChief of the Air Force

Heads of the Nation’s four Military Commands
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
1Central CommandGeneral Abebaw Tadesse
2Northern CommandLt.General Saere Mekonene
3South Eastern CommandLt.General Abraha Wolde
4Western CommandBr. General Seyoum Hagos
Army Divisional Commanders
Central command
Northern Command
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
114st Army DivisionColonel Wodi Antiru
221st Army DivisionColonel Gueshi Gebre
311th Army DivisionColonel Workidu
425th Army DivisionColonel Tesfay Sahiel
522nd Army DivisionColonel Teklay Klashin
64th Mechanized DivisionColonel Hinsaw Giorgis
South Eastern Command
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
119st Army DivisionColonel Wodi Guaae
244st Army DivisionColonel Zewdu Tefera
313th Army DivisionColonel Sherifo
412th Army DivisionColonel Mulugeta Berhe
532nd Army DivisionColonel Abraha Tselim
66th Mechanized DivisionColonel G/Medhin Fekede
Western Command
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
123rd Army DivisionColonel Wolde Belalom
243rd Army DivisionColonel Wodi Abate
326th Army DivisionColonel Mebrahtu
47th Mechanized DivisionColonel Gebre Mariam
Commanders in Different Defense Departments
Job Division
Name & Rank
Ethnic Group
1Agazi Commando DivisionB.General Mohammed Esha
2Addis Ababa & Surrounding Area GuardColonel Zenebe Amare
3Palace GuardColonel Gerensay
4Banking GuardColonel Hawaz Woldu
5Engineering CollegeColonel Halefom Eggigu
6Military Health ScienceB.General Tesfay Gidey
7Mulugeta Buli Technical CollegeColonel Meleya Amare
8Resource Management CollegeColonel Letay
9Siftana Command CollegeB.General Moges Haile
10Blaten Military Training CenterColonel Salih Berihu
11Wourso Military Training CenterColonel Negash Heluf
12Awash Arba Military Training CenterColonel Muze
13Birr Valley Military Training CenterColonel Negassie Shikortet
14Defense Administration DepartmentB.General Mehari Zewde
15Defense AviationB.General Kinfe Dagnew
16Defense Research and StudyB.General Halefom Chento
17Defense Justice DepartmentColonel Askale
18Secretary of the Chief-of-StaffColonel Tsehaye Manjus
19Indoctrination CenterB.General Akale Asaye
20Communications DepartmentColonel Sebbhat
21Foreign Relations DepartmentColonel Hassene
22Special Forces Coordination DepartmentB.General Fisseha Manjus
23Operations DepartmentColonel Wodi Tewk
24Planning, Readiness and Programming DepartmentColonel Teklay Ashebir
25Defense Industries Coordination DepartmentColonel Wodi Negash
26Defense Finance DepartmentColonel Zewdu
27Defense Purchasing DepartmentColonel Gedey
28Defense Budget DepartmentAto/Mr. Berhane

Thursday, May 30, 2013



Y.G(2005) | Caamsaa 30, 2013
Sochiin Maqaa Oromoon gaggeeffamuuf yaadamu, garuu, Oromummaa kan of keessaa hin qabne, yoomillee ta’uu milkaa’uu akka hin dandeenye, seenaan waa hedduu akka ragaatti nu kaa’ee dabreera. Namni waan dabre irraa hin baratiinii fi of hin sirreessiin, seenaa Ummata mufachiise sana dabalee, tuffatamuun ala waan Ummata kanaaf argamsiisu tokko illee jiraachuu hin danda’u. namni ykn hawaasi ykn sabni ykn gareen kufaatii fi dogoggora irraa hin baratiin , bara baraan rakkoo ofitti dhalchaa fi of gaadi’ee bitintiraa jiraata malee, galii barbaadamu sana bira ga’uu hin danda’u. kanaaf kan kaleessaa irraa baratanii waan fooyyaa’aa hojjachuu qofaatu Ummata salphina keessaa  baasu danda’a .
Har’a rakkoo keenya dabre kaafnee yennaa katabnu, ykn dubbannu, namoonni hedduun, waan dabree amma yoomitti lallabaa jiraannaa ? jedhanii , yaada arrabsoo irraa hin fagaanne yennaa laatan , guyyuu taajjabaa jirra. Garuu hundeen har’aa , kaleessa ta’uu hubachuu dhabuu keenyatu, bakka tokko dhiitaa akka jiraannu nu taasisaa jira. kaleessa waan ittiin laamshoofnee namni nutti kolfee , daballee wayita irra deebinee rakkoo kan biraa ofitti fidinu , dhibeen jiru kan kaleessaa wallaalu ykn hubachuu dhabuu keenya qofaa Odoo hin taane, yoo hubannoo qabaanne iyyu, waan dantaa keenyaa irra gaafa geenyu, isa kaleessa abaaraa turre ofii akka dabalaa jirru seenaatu ragaa ba’a. kana jechuun ammoo, sochiin Maqaa Oromoon gaggeeffamu kamuu, Oromummaan hundee sochii sanaa yoo hin taasifatiin, amma ka’anii deebi’anii gadi taa’u ta’uu, ammas seenaatu waa hedduu nu argisee jira.
Humna kamiifuu , badii ykn miidhaa ykn kufaatii yk dogoggoora kaleessaatu isaaf ka’umsa ta’a. kan kaleessaa odoo dubbannuu jiraannaa odoo hin taane kan nama komachiisu, waan waggaa 150 ol nu miidhe irraa barachuu maa dadhabne ? isa jedhutu namummaa keenyayyuu akka shakkinu nu taasisa. ammallee jabeessinee kan jennu yoo jiraate, kan kaleessaa irraa bu’aa malii argannee ? jedhanii yoo irratti walii galteen hin jiraatiin , boruu bu’aa argamsiifna jennee yaaduun , gawwummaa qofaa ta’u hubachuu feesisa.  amma yaada kana hubatanii kan karaa jalqabanii fi hegaree qabsoo Oromoo gar-tokkotti luucceessuuf yaadaa fi wareegama baasaa jiran jiraachuun haqa . inni kaan ammo, sadarkaa yaada kanaa dhaqabu ykn yaadu dadhabee waan salphinaa irra deebi’aa jiraachuu inuma argina. Kaan ammoo haqa jiru odoo beeku, Qabsoof haa jedhu malee , obboleessa isaa irratti duuluuf ykn dhabamsiisuuf miidiyaa halagaa irratti yennaa lallaban argaa fi dhaga’aa jirra. Yaada wal irraa fagoo kana dhiphisuuf hanga irriibaa ka’anitti yaadachiisuun , haqa jiru itti himuun barbaachisaadha.
Kanaaf waan kaleessaa irraa yk kaleessa waan nutti fakkaate hojjannee har’a salphannee waan jennu wallaallee, isa sochaa’aa jiru abaaruu irra kan hin tarree gorsuuf , kan kaleessaa kaasuun, waan qabatamaan ta’e irraa barachuu dadhabuu isaanii qofa osoo hin taane, Mammaaksuma Oromoo Umurii guutuu isaan waliin ture irraa barachuu yoo dadhaban “MANNI GOGAA WARAABEESSAAN IJAARAME, GAAFA WARAABEESSI YUUSU DIIGAMA ! ” jechuun keenya hin dhaabbatu. Mammaaksi kun , nuuf waan dabre ykn waan bu’aa ykn miira keessa keenyaa qofaan kaane hojjannu, boruu jiraachuu akka hin dandeenye wayita nu dhaamu, DIINNI garuu, bara baraan hiikkaa mammaaksa kanaa akka hin hubanneefi of-irratti akka hin dammaqneef nu irratti akka hojjatu wal yaadachiisuun dansaadha.
Dogoggora dabre akka irra hin deebineef, dogoggorri duraanii namaa gadi nu gochuu isaa hubachuu qabna. Keenyas siinsallee kan addunyaas dubbisnee hegaree keenyaaf wal dandeenyee hin tarkaanfannu taanaan, beekumsaa fi dandeettiin keenya maalii ? beekumsi nuuti qabnu kan addunyaan itti fayyadamtee gabrummaa keessaa itti baasaa jirtuudha. Nu bira ga’ee maaf laamsha’ee nu miidhaa jiraata ? gaaffii hedduu tarrisuu dandeenya. Dhaloota itti aanu dhaqabuuf , rakkoo fi dogoggora dabre irra akka hin deebi’amneef dhalli Oromoo hundi hojjachuutu irraa eegama.
Fedhii Ummata ofii wallaaluun Dogoggora hamaaf nama saaxila. Nama miiraan socha’u nama taasisa. Madda Ummata ofii tuffachuu ta’uu ni danda’a. keessa Ummata ofii wallaaluu irraa , halagaaa waliin teenye, ummata kana harka qabnee akka finnutti waadaa madda salphinaa nu seensisa.  Kana jaallatee fudhataa ? yk sossobeen of jala hiriirsa jennee , habjuu ganama ka’aanii waan of biraa hin argannee nu habjochiisa. Sirnoota Itoophiyaa warri masaraa keessatti waliin sirban isa jiraachisuu akka hin dandeenye hundaa, namoonni nu marsanii harka nu rukutaniif jecha, qabsoo Ummata kanaa akka fedha keenyaatti micciirree , feenu diina jala galchinee, feenu kiisa keenya keessatti qabannee deemnaa jedhee kan nama yaachisiisu, fedhii Ummata ofii wallaaluudha. Gama kanaan bara 2000 kaasee waa hedduu dabarsine jirra. Har’a dhala Oromoo Addunyaa irra jiru addatti kan Biyya keessaa hiraarrii dhandhamaa jirutti, waa’ee siyaasa keenyaa,adeemsa siyaasaa Biyya Itoophiyaa jedhamtu fi addunyaa iyyuu , 1+1 = 2 JEDHANII tan itti himanii miti.
Haala qabatamaa jiruun yoo ilaallee , Ummati OROMOO , dhaabbilee Siyaasa Oromoo hundaa yaadaa fi qor-qalbiin dabree deemu eenyullee haaluu hin danda’u. kan caalaatti nama raaju, Ummati Oromoo hangamuu jabiina qalbii fi yaadaa qabaatuu illee, rakkoo keessaa fi alaan dhaaba irra rakkoon gara garaa wayita dhaqqabu, dhaaba karaa qabsoo Bilisummaa itti argisiise KUDHAAMA isaa taasifatee abdachaa jiraachuu isaatii. Kan dagachuun nu irra hin jirree, hatattamaan adeemsa Ummataa kanaan wal qixxeessanii Ummata kana galii barbaadamutti yoo hin qajeelchiin yk hin dursiin, tarii Ummati kun obsa isaa fixatee, waa xiqqoon mirga isaa kabachiisuuf sochiin taasisu babal’ataa deemee yoo abbaa dhabe, deebi’ee isa miidhu akka danda’u hubachuun dansaadha.( Asi irratti ragaa tokko kaa’uun barbaada.)
Bara 2000 keessa sochii Barattoota Oromoo haala qindaa’een eegalame, wayyaanee irriiba dhabsiisee turun hin dagatamu. Yeroo sochii sanaa Dargaggoonni Booranaa fi Gujii Maanguddootaaf yaada tokko kaasanii turan. “amma yoomitti akkasittin jiraanna ? hireen keenya nu harka jirti malee , halgaa harka hin jirtu, maaliif asumaa achi haxoofnee dachee isaanii irratti wal hin gaafannu ? Ilmaan Oromoo kana hojiin argisiisuu dadhabnaa ? Oromootti nu labsaa miidhaa kana of irraa dhaabnaa !” jedhaniin. Maanguddoonni mari’atanii kan jedhaniin, “Qaamni socha’uuf Mataan jiraachuu qabaa obsaa ”jedhaniin. Dargaggoonni yeroo sanatti mormanii turan. Garuu yaada nama bulee dhaga’uun aadaa dha jedhanii , diina qe’ee keessa isaan yaa’u odoo arganii callisan.
Haqa kana kan hin hubatiin , kan Ummata kanaaf kabajaa hin qabaatiin qofaadha. ABO Ummata irraa adda baasuuf, sochiin gama hundaan hin taasifamiin hin jiru. Akkuman duratti kaase, “ABOn KUDHAAMA UMMATA OROMOO” ta’uu isaatiin, firaa fi diinoonni keenya, dogoggora seenanii jiru. Dogoggorri kun walii-lama ta’uu danda’a. Diinni , KUDHAAMII kun , kan fakkeessaatti fudhachuu irraa, ummata harkaa fudhachuu ykn isa irraa adda baasu yennaa yaalu, firri ammo, KUDHAAMI sun dhugaa ta’utti beekaaf, harkaa butee kan isaa taasisu keessa dogoggoran . hojii fafaas dalagan. Diinni kudhaama fakkeessi akka hin taane kan raga ba’ee, waggaa 22 ifaajjii taasise milkaa’uu dhabuu qofaan odoo hin taane, ABO maqaa gooleessaan galmee ASHABBAARII keessa galchuuf wayita tattaafatee fi Ummatichi daranu itti cimu irraatti .
Nuutis hanguma qalbiin nu yaaddun, ABOn , KUDHAAMA UMMATA OROMOO ta’u isaatti amanuu irraa , waan fedhii keenyaa raawwachuuf jecha, warra qabsoo Oromoo bu’ureessee dhaabichi hojjatus dhiisuus gaggeessaa jiran odoma beekanu, Kudhaama kana butuuf jecha, dandii salphinaa meeqa kan seenan, ammallee halgaaf jecha dandii salphinaa kana keessa kan gangalatan ni jiru. Kun qalbii ummata kanaa tuffachuu irraa madda. Ummata kana qalbii cabsinee, ammuma iji nu ilaaltu yaaduu irraa , maqaa seenaan meeqa itti galmaa’e har’a lafaa kaanee, akka huccuu keenyaa butannee fiigu yaanna. Kun keessa Ummata ofii walaalu irraa madda. Ummata haala kanaan gawwamsinee diina jala hiriirsina jechuun mataa isaa badii guddaadha.
Kanaaf , adeemsa bu’aan tokkollee hin argamsiifne kana irraa barachuun barbaachisaadha. Ummata ofii burjaajeessuu yaaluun , ummata ofiif yaadu miti. Addatti hawaasi Biyya alaa jiru , dogoggora kana sirreessuuf adda durummaan irratti hojjachuu qaba. Beektoonnis kana irratti hojjatanii waan ummata qalbii hirsiisuuf hojjatamu dura dhaabbachuu qaban. Seenaa Oromoo kan dubbannu ykn katabnu yoo taane, seenaa qabsoo Oromoo karaa irraa yennaa maqsifamu beektoonnis ta’u ummati callisee ilaalu hin qabu. Waan ifatti maqaa isaan daldalamu argaa callisuun ummata kanaaf yaadus miti. Abbaan fedhe maqaa baafatee haa gurmaa’u. garuu maqaa wal saamanii hojii manaa diinni nu kennu hojii irra oolachuu keessaa ba’uu qabna. Kana irratti yaadaa fi ejjannaa tokkoo qabaachuu qabna. Maqaa ABO saammachuuf qabsoo eegalle , kan jedhu yoo jiraate fayyummaa hin qabaatu. Kan fayyummaa hin qabne waliin kan fiigus , fayyaa hin qabu . fayyaa dhabuun kan abbaa ta’ee , warra fayyaa dhabeen ummati kun hiraaruun yakka . yakka seenaan nama hin dhifne. Kana gochuu keenyaan ammo , mammaaksa “MANNI GOGAA WARAABEESSAAN IJAARAMEE,,,,” dhugaa ta’uu amanu qabna.
Mooraa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti ykn Ilaalchi siyaasa Oromoo keessa jiru , ani ilaalcha lama caalaa ni jiraata jedhee hin yaadu. Walabummaa Oromiyaa fi Bilisummaa Ummata Oromoo kan jedhuu fi Itoophiyaa Dimokiraatofte keessa jiraachuu dandenya kan jedhu. Lameen kana irratti kan murtee dhumaa laatu, UMMATA OROMOO qofaadha. Yaadi kun lameen kan milkaa’uu danda’an keessa yk fedhii Ummatichaa akka gaaritti hubachuu irraati. Waan hubachuu qabnu garuu , Inni walabummaa Oromiyaa jedhu, carraa Ummatoota Oromiyaa keessa jiraatanii dukkaneessuu akka hin taane wayita hubachiisan, warri Itoophiyaa Dimokiraatoofte keessa jiraachuu dandeenya jedhanis, mirga Ummata Oromoo dhiibanii milkeessuu akka hin dandeenye waliif amanun barbaachisaa ta’a.
Ilaalchi kun lameen hangamu garaagarummaa qabaatan, OROMUMMAA wal irraa mulquu hin qaban. Jibbi diinaaf qabnu fi waliif qabnu hedduu wal irraa fagaata natti fakkaata. Kaleessa adda baanee wal gaarreeffannee , wal salphifnee, ……. Waan irraa arganne qabanaa ? yeroos miira kamiinu haa kaanu, ni ta’a jennee kan eegallee ta’eeraa ? kana yaadachuu qabna. Kana har’a wal irraa fagaates, boruu yerootu walitti fida. Diinni hojii manaa nu kaa’ee kana irra tarkaanfannee dachaa isaa yaannee , isa injifachuu qabna. Abshalummaan keenya hedduu dabaluu qabna.
Jibba Ilaalcha irraa maddu hundumaa wal irraa kaafnee diinatti achi deebisuun, shirri diinni gama hundaan adda nu baasee umurii isaa dheereffachuuf tattaafatutti bishaan naqnee, kaleessa irra akka waliif jirru diinatti mul’isuun waan yeroon nu gaafattuudha. Keessattu , Biyyoota alaatti walirraa fagaachuu mul’ataa jiru kana dhaabamsiisuuf , ani akkasii jedhee kan utaalu waliin utaaluu irraa of qusatanii , waan deemamuuf dura hubatanii , lakkii dhaabbadhu jechuu qabu malee , yeroo hundaa akka dikee bishaan irraa ta’anii, ummata ofii taajjabsiisuun dhaabbachuu qaba. Kana malees beektoonnis ta’an kanneen hafan hundumtuu qabsoon kun na ilaallata jedhanii , yoo xiqqaate yaada laachuu irraa dhaabbachuu hin qaban.
Gaaffii Ummata kanaa gama hundaan dhageesisuuf , miseensa qofaaf dirqama kennuun hin taatu. Miidhaa saba ofii dhageesisuuf Oromummaan ga’aadha. dhimma keenya irratti wal tumsuun waan hundaan olitti kabajaa sabummaa nu goonfachiisa. Dallansuun, maal na dhibeen, dhimma isaanitiin kkf hundi deebi’anii nu miidhaa jiran malee, waan nu fayyadan hin qaban. Mooraa qabsoo Oromoo jabeessuuf, rakkoo jiru xiqqeessun gaaffii jalqabaa ta’a. kun ammo nama dhuufaa irraa eegala. Amma hundumtuu kan yaade irratti hojjachuu qabu, diinni qaawwaa nu gidduutti uume akkamiin cufachuu dandeenya ? isa jedgu irrattidha. Diinni shiroota ittin adda nu baasan beekanii dursanii argamuudha. Wal jibbiinsa diinni nu hawwuu sana lafa kaa’anii , yeroo rakkoo waliin jiraachuu argisiisu qaban. Sochiin OSAn gochaa jiru kana , gama hundaan babal’isanii , dhimma keenya dhaaba qofa irraa eegu odoo hin taane bakka jirrutti irratti hojjannee , diina keenya qaanfachiisuu qabna.
Kana irratti kan hubachuun nu barbaachiisu, rakkoo keenya cufachuuf yaadi ka’ee kun, mooraa diinaa keessa gangalachaa maqaa Oromoon, dantaa diinaa kanneen raawwachiisan hammachuu akka hin dandeenyedha. Kan kaleessaa irraa barachuun keenya keessa keenyaaf malee diina waliin waan nu baraaru hin qabu waan ta’eef.MANNI GOGAA WARAABEESSAAN IJAARAMEE……kutaa 2ffaan itti fufa.
Tan Dabre:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Djibouti: Detention of Refugees and Fear of Deportation

Djibouti: Detention of Refugees and Fear of Deportation

HRLHA Urgent Action
May 30, 2013 
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)would like to express its deep concern regarding the current situation of nine Ethiopian refugees arrested and detained in the neighboring country of Djibouti.
According to HRLHA correspondent in Djibouti, the nine Ethiopian refugees (listed below) were arrested on the 22nd of May, 2013 in front of the UNHCR Office, Djibouti branch, where they had been for the renewal of their refugee identification cards. Until the time of the issuance of this URGENT ACTION, families and friends of those refugees have not been able to see and/or communicate with them since they were arrested and detained.
1.Izadin Madad Mahamed479 – 09C00243
2.Abdallah Adil Mohamed719/3
3Ayelech Gelaw Abebew (Female)479 – 13C00019
4Ahmed Hassen Abdi479 – 12C00395
5Tadelech Adnew Abayneh479 – 12C00412
6Galil Ahmed Zaimed479 – 11C00263
7Truneh Tesema Sisay479 – 12C00072
8Abdi Yasin Abden
9Mohamed Amin Hassen
Among the nine refugees, Mr. Abdallah Adil Mohamed is said to have been waiting for his appointment date, which is the 30th of May, 2013, with the Canadian Consulate in Djibouti for an immigration interview. The HRLHA has also learnt through its correspondent that the detained refugees have gone on hunger strike as of May 27, 2013, presumably as a result of extreme frustration. Based on related past experiences and the involvement of Ethiopian security agents in the arrest and detention of those refugees, there is a high level of fear that the government of Djibouti might deport the detained refugees back to Ethiopia.
The current hot weather of Djibouti added to the detained refugees’ going on hunger strike, makes the safety and wellbeing of those refugees very questionable.
Therefore, HRLHA calls up on the government of Djibouti to unconditionally release the detained Ethiopian refugees from detention. We also request that the government of Djibouti abide by all relevant international laws, treaties, and agreements, and allow those and all other refugees currently staying in its country to go on with their immigration processes with all protection and security that they are entitled to. We also call up on all regional and international human rights and diplomatic agencies to put necessary pressures on the Djibouti Government so that the detained refugees would be released immediately.
  • RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to the Djibouti Government, concerned Djibouti officials and to diplomatic representatives in  Djibouti who are accredited to your country as swiftly as possible, in English,  In French Language, or your own language expressing:
  • Your concern regarding the possibility of apprehension and fear of torture of the citizens who are being held in detention centers; and calling for their immediate and unconditional release;
  • Urging the Djibouti authorities to ensure that these detainees would be treated in accordance with the regional and international standards on the treatment of prisoners,
  • Abide to the International Conventions of the refugees and asylum seekers not to return a person to a place where they face torture or ill-treatment.

     His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh President of Djibouti


Copied to:

     United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Case Postale 2500

     CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Suisse.

--Full Documents:

The 50th shame years of Africa Union celebration in Ireland

The 50th shame years of Africa Union celebration in Ireland

Oromo Community Ireland | May 29, 2013
This week African Union (AU) celebrated its Golden Jubilee of what it calls the 50th years of achievement celebration under the headline of strengthening Pan-Africanism and African renaissance. But for the Oromo community in Ireland the story was different. On the day of the African Day Celebration the Oromo’s stall tells a different story, a story that questions the very importance of the existence of the AU; the story that tells the inability of the AU to deal with the issues of its people; the story of Oromo’s years to years true life, the story of slavery in the country the AU celebrate what it says the past good days.
We were opposing the existence of AU, though we know that many intellectuals, analysts and media outlets question the need for AU’s existence itself. We hope AU, one day may become a better organization that stands for African people. But so far AU has failed do any meaningful thing for Africans. To raise just some of them, first what did AU do about the question of Oromo for self determination, what did it say the killing, disappearances and torture of Oromo students, intellectuals, farmers and businessmen? What did AU with decades’ long conflict in Darfur? Why it can not solve it. What did AU say about the mass killing in Kenya? Did it say anything the conflict in Congo? What did the AU say about the human rights crisis in Zimbabwe? Most the pressing African problems were dealt with by AU but by the governments and communities outside Africa whether there is a calculated benefit or not, the problems of Libya, the genocide of Rwanda, the crisis in Somalia, are only few where AU show little or no role to sole African problems.
AU even seems do not care about the people when they sit in the AU meeting with those notorious dictators such as the late Meles, Bashir of Sudan, Mugabe of Zimbabwe, etc. These people are isolated from international community, and some of them are indicted by international criminal court because of the multiple genocide the have committed to their people. That may be the reason why many people say AU is a bunch of corrupt leaders who try to defend each other against mass movement and public upraising. We Oromos still do not give up on AU. We believe AU can do better to solve the problems of Oromo and other peace loving African people. That is why we were telling them that we are still in colony by the time AU celebrates its Golden jubilee. The shame is that AU had to know and oppose to the colonizers. AU may have done well when choosing Finfinne (Addis Ababa) as its centre because Finfinne is the centre of the country of Oromo people who used the Gadaa system for generations. Gadaa system can be said the first democratic public institution used by us until we fall under colony. But, AU did not know, or fail to acknowledge that it has been holding meeting in the empire that is anti peace, anti freedom and anti human rights. AU must have known that Ethiopia is a prison of human race, a prison of freedom, a prison of democracy. This has a devastative effect on the image of AU and needs to be considered.
We Oromos in Ireland spoke very clearly and loudly while celebrating the African Day in Dublin. Whatever achievement AU celebrates, we Oromos are African who are still in slavery. We told this to the African and international community implicitly that AU fall short of its responsibility of standing for its people. We told to the media to the big and to the small, to the young and to the adult, to the friends and to the enemies that we are still fighting slavery, injustice and state of colonization. We will continue doing same until we get free. On the day we created a scene that posse and a point that people discuss. Everyone came to the celebration understood that our question is beyond political question. We are asking for our freedom, our dignity and the right to our own country and resources. We have the right to be free, the right to our own resources, and the right to nature given human rights. AU and the international community have the obligation, under the international law and under their own stands, to support Oromos, the fight against the colony. Whether AU comes to its mind or not, we will continue our journey to freedom. We will fight ‘terror with terror’, as someone said, until we set ourselves free.
Oromia Shall Be Free!
Oromo Community Ireland

Monday, May 27, 2013

Where all these amount of money come from ?

Meles Zenawi net worth: Meles Zenawi Asres was the former Prime Minister of Ethiopia who presided over the country from 1995 to his death in 2012. He was also the President of Ethiopia from 1991 to 1995. He was one of the most recent literate and forward thinking leaders of Africa. Zenawi had an MBA from the United Kingdom, and a Masters of science in economics from Netherlands. His net worth currently stands at $3 Billion.


Power outages derail African Union’s 50th anniversary gathering in Ethiopia

May 26, 2013 (TESFA NEWS) – U.S. SecretaryJohn Kerry has been forced to leave Ethiopia without addressing the African Union summit after an electricity blackout hit the $200m Chinese-built African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa.
In his planned three-day visit to the country, Kerry was expected to discuss a range of security and bilateral issues with many African leaders and foreign dignitaries that will be gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the African Union.
Before his departure to the summit, the Secretary was urged by rights and democracy groups around the world to address the increasingly deteriorating democracy and human rights situation in Ethiopia.
However, just like what happened to his predecessor Hillary Clinton, the electric power has just gone off before his planned speech that later forced him to cut short his trip and leave the country.
Daniel Finnan, a journalist from Radio France Internationale, reports that the blackout leaves presidents of France and Brazil with no audience for their speeches, except journalists, as the rest of the delegates decided to leave the dark hall in a rush.
The blackout drama left an embarrassing mess to the $1.27m fanfare by the organization. Seems the Chinese was expected to get the generators too.
Back in 2011, the same electric blackout happened while Secretary Hilary Clinton was addressing inside the old African Union building. As soon as she began the topic on democracy in the country and noticeably left out to mention Ethiopia while she named ten countries which had made democratic progress in Africa, the lights goes off for several minutes.
Suspicious of the regimes veiled attempt to undermine her strong speech in support of democratic rights in the country, Clinton decided to cut back her planned three-day trip in to one and left the country.
Coincidence or purposeful sabotage?
For political savvy Ethiopians in the country, such scenarios are no accident.
Many Ethiopians remember a similar incident on May 7, 2005 when two million Ethiopians came out to the streets in support of the popular Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) party, which was seen as a vitally needed alternative to the oppressive regime.
Just as the leaders of the opposition party were about to speak, there was an electrical outage, cutting the sound system and making it impossible to address this vast crowd of peaceful, pro-democracy supporters.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Xalayaa seenaa dhugaa ibsu moo kan Oromummaa diiguuf qophaaye dha?

Xalayaa seenaa dhugaa ibsu moo kan Oromummaa diiguuf qophaaye dha?

Abdii Boruutiin | Caamsaa 26, 2013
Mata duree kanaan barreeffama kana akkan dhiyeessu kan na taasise, akka tasaa xalayaa Afaan Amaaraatiin barreessame tokko argee dubbisuu kiyya dha. Xalayichi kun kan barreessame nama maqaan isaa Dr. Fiqree Tolasaa Jigsaa (Afaan Amaaraarraa qubeetti jijjiireen barreesse) jedhamuun yoo ta’u, kan itti ergamuuf qophaaye yookaanis itti ergame? ammoo hogganaa jaarmayaa dhiyoo kana dhalatee, Adda Diimookraatawa Oromoo (ADO) Dr. Bayyaan Asobaa ti. Xalayaa kana akkaPDFtti barruu kana wajjin waanan dhiyeessef, warri Afaan Amaaraa dubbisuu danda’an qabiyyee xalayichaa gutuu isaa arguu ni danda’u. Akka naaf galetti, qabiyyee inni guddaan xalayichaa seenaa saba ykn uummata Oromoo haaraa, kan duraan dhagayamee hin beekne kan ibsu yoo ta’u, kaayyoon isaa garuu bu’aalee qabsoon bilisummaa Oromoo (QBOn) hanga har’aatti argamsiisee gaafii keessa galchuudhaan tarii akka diigaman waan mul’isu fakkaata.
Jalqaba xalayaa isaarratti, barreessaan yoo ibsu akkana jedha. Afaan Oromootti hiikuurratti yoon dogoggore dubbistootni akka na sirreessan dursee gaafachuun barbaada. “…Ana akka naaf galutti jaarmayaan keessan haaraan (ADOn) Itoophiyummaa keessanis ta’ee kan uummata Oromoo otuu asii fi achi hin jedhin amanee; biyyii Oromoos lafa ykn dachee dhiphoo Oromiyaa jedhamtu qofaa otuu hin taane Itoophiyaa guutuu akka ta’e fudhatee; hiree uummata Oromoo kan uummatoota Itoophiyaa hundaa wajjin walqabsiisee qabsaa’uuf uumame. Ejjannoon kunis uummata Oromootiif kaayyoo siyaasaa guddaa dha.” Ittifufuuudhaan, Addi bilisummaa Oromoo (ABOn) durumarraayuu, ganamumarraayuu, dhalootumarraayuu kaayyoo ykn ejjannoo qulqulluu ta’e kana qabatee otuu jiraate, tarii kan har’a Itoopiyaa bulchu ykn hogganu isa ta’uu danda’a ture. Yoo akkan ta’e, deeggarsa fi gargaarsa uummatoota Itoophiyaa hundaatuu waan argatuufi. Kana caalaa ammoo dhiigni sun hunduu otuu hin dhangala’in; namootni hunduu otuu lafarraa hin buqqa’an; otuu biyyaa hin baqatini fi hin hidhamin hafa ture.”jedha.
Barreessaan kun waayee seenaa haaraa yoo ibsu, ragaa qabatamaatu harka kiyya jira jedha. Haa ta’u, kana isumaafan dhiisa. Garuu, asirratti wanti nama dinqu, warri ADO ijaaran Itoophiyummaa amananii haa fudhatan malee, uummatni Oromoo Itoophiyummaatti amanee fudhachuudhaaf barreessaan kun ragaa qabaa laata? Uummatni Oromoo biyya ofiirratti abbaa biyyaa ta’uuf qabsaa’aa jira malee, daangaa dabree, dachee Oromiyaa dhiphoo baldhisuu fi Itoophiyaa dhuunfachuuf hawwii waan qabuu fi kanaafis waan qabsaa’u natti hin fakkaatu. Kaayyoon qabsoo saba Oromoo, bilisummaa fi abbaabiyyummaa uummata Oromoo, kan diinni humnaan irraa fudhate deebisee akka argatu taasisuuf malee, Oromiyaa dhiphoo bal’isee Itoophiyaa dhuunfachuufii miti. Namootni ykn gareeleen muraasni Impaayarittii tana bulchaa yoo turan, mataa fi dantaa ofiitiif ta’an malee uummata Oromootiif wanti bu’aa buusan hin jiru. Hanga sirni gabrummaa hundeedhaan buqqayee kufutti, ammas ta’ee gara fuulduraatti namootni muraasni aangoo qabataniif bu’aan uummat Oromootiif argamu hin jiraatu.
Seenaa uummata Oromuu ilaalchisee, waan haaraadhaan gadi bayuu fi nu barsiisuu kan barbaadu yoo ta’e, barreessaan kun akkuma innuu jedhe ragaa qabatamaa wajjin yoo dhiyeesse ani kanarraa akka nama tokkootti, akka ilma Oromoo tokkootti rakkoo hin qabu. Waan inni xalayaa kana keessatti bal’inaan ibses warra beekumsa, barumsa fi ogummaa seenaa qabaniif dhiisuun barbaada. Haa ta’u malee, dhugaas ta’ee dhara, seenaan inni asitti ibse kun waa hunda gaafii keessa galcha. Kaayyoon xalayaa kanaa seenaa ibsuuf qofa waan dhiyaate hin fakkaatu. Seenaa kana wajjin walqabsiisee, bu’aalee QBOn argamsiise balleessuuf waan karoorfate fakkaata. Barreessaan xalayichaa, qubee Afaan Oromoo ilaalchisee, akkana jedha: “…Kabajamaa Dr Bayyaan Asobaa, gara dhimma guddaatti deebi’uudhaaf, wanti amma murteeffattan kun gaarii yoo ta’u, wanti hin hafne waan guddaa tokkotu jira…. Qubee amma Oromootni itti fayyadaman kana qubee biyyatti margeen bakka buusuuf irratti mari’attanii jirtuu? Deebiin isin gaafii kanaaf kennitan lakkii kan jedhamu yoo ta’e, irratti yoo mar’iattan gaarii dha…”  jechuudhaan fedhii isaallee ibsuu yaalee jira. Wanti ifa ta’ee mul’atu, dhimmi guddaan inni jedhus qubee balleessuu dha jechuu dha. Oromoon qubee Afaan Oromootti fayyadamuu hin qabu; kun siriidhaa mallattoo gabrummaa ti; warra kanaan dura kolonii faranjii jala turantu qubee kanatti fayyadamu malee uummata Oromootiif kun barbaachisaa miti jechuun isaatuu kaayyoo maal akka duubaa qabu mul’isa.
Barreessan kun, waayee seenaa, biyyaa fi qubee erga ibsuu yaale booda waayee alaabaas ibsuu yaalee jira. Ibsuu qofaa otuu hin taane, hogganaa ADO kanatti adaraa waan dhaammatu fakkaata. Dhimma kanas ilaalchisee akkan jedha: “…Kanaafuu, nuti warri sanyii Oromoo taane hunduu alaabaan Itoophiyaas alaabaa teenya akka taate beeknee fannisnee ittiin boonuu qabna.Adaraa keessan! Isini fi deeggartootni keessan (ADO)waayee alaabaa kana itti yaadaa. Alaabaan Itoophiyaa tun ol fagaattee qilleensarratti akka mul’atu goototni Oromoo baay’een waggoota 3400 dura itti wareegamanii jiru….” jechuudhaan dhaamsa cimaa dabarfatee jira. Alaabaa Oromoo mallattoo bilisummaa kan taateef, lubbuun ilmaan Oromoo meeqa itti galaafatmee otuu jiruu; lafeen meeqa itti caccabee fi dhiigni meeqa itti dhangalayee otuu jiru, isa kana dagachuudhaan yookaanis tuffachuudhaan; goototni Oromoo baay’een alaabaa Itoophiyaa kanaaf wareegamanii jiru jechuun isaa waan nama dinqu qofaa otuu hin taane waan nama gaddisiisuu dha. Namni kun dhuguma ilma Oromoo yoo ta’e, waan inni jechaa jiru kun anaaf qaanii guddaa dha.
Barreessan xalayaa kanaa, dhuma xalayaa isaarratti erga waayee uummata Oromoo fi uummata Amaaraa ibsuu yaale booda, hogganaa ADO kanaa fi jaarmayichaaf gorsa kennuudhaan xalayaa isaa xumura. Isa kanas akkana jechuu dhaan ibsa: “…Dhumarratti, isini (Dr. Bayyaan) fi jaarmayaa keessan (ADO) wantan gorsuu barbaadu, seenaan Oromoo kan dhugaa ta’e, dameen sanyii fi aadaa isaa irradeebi’amee akka qoratamu dhaaba qorannoo tokko akka ijaartanii dha….. hojiin dhaaba qorannoo kanaa inni tokko Oromoota eenyummaa isaaniitiin afaanfaajja’an; eenyummaa dhugaa jechuun Itoopiyummaa isaanii akka hubatan godhuu dha…” jechuudhaan kaayyoo fi fedhii ofiif qabu ifa godhee hogganticha ADOtti barreessa. Oromoon eenyummaa ofii waan wallaalu natti hin fakkaatu. Eenyummaa ofii abbaan fedhee bituus gurguruus hin danda’u kun uumaadhaan argama. Kan afaanfaajjii eenyummaa qabu (identity crises) isuma barreessaa kana malee uummata Oromootii miti. Namni kun yookaan Oromoo ta’ee nama rakkoo eenyummaa qabu yookaanis ammoo nama maqaa Oromootti fayyadamee tooftaa haaraadhaan gadi bayuudhaan daldala siyaasaa godhuu barbadu dha jedheen yaada.
Asirratti, dhaaba qorannoo seenaa ijaaruun yaada gaarii dha. Seenaa dhugaa fi dharaa addaan baafachuuf nama gargaara. Haa ta’u malee, dhaabni qorannoo akkkanaa kun walaba ta’ee hojjechuu qaba malee kan jaarmayaa tokkoon ijaaramu fi kaayyoo tokko bakkaan gayuuf gara tokkoon qorannoo gaggeessu ta’uu hin qabu. Barreessaan xalayichaa garuu, ADOdhaaf hojii manaa (home work) waan kennuu barbaade fakkaata. Dhaabni qorannoo tokko yoo garee tokkoon qofa kan ijaaramu ykn uumamu ta’e, kun ittibahinsa quubsaa fiduu waan danda’u natti hin fakkaatu. Yoo walaba ta’ee kan ijaaramu fi walbaanis hojii isaa gaggeessu ta’e, kun bu’aa tokko fiduu danda’a. Kanaaf, kun akka waliigalaatti yaada badaa miti. Afaanfaajjii seenaa dhabamsiisuuf qaamni qorannoo walabaa tokko murteessaa dha.
Dhumarratti, ani akka hubannoo kiyaatti, akka yaada fi ilaalcha kiyyaatti, xalayaan kun xalayaa seenaa dhugaa ibsuuf qophaaye otuu hin taane, xalayaa Oromummaa balleessuuf; qabsoo bilisummaa uummata Oromoo dhabamsiisuuf; bu’aalee hanga har’aatti argamanillee diiguuf, kan tooftaadhaan itti yaadame fi barreeffame dha jedheen amana. Immiyyee Itoophiyaa lubbuu itti horanii jiraachisuuf, kun tooftaa bar-dhibbee diigdamii tokkoffaa ti. Kana bakkaan gayuuf ammoo meeshaa itti fayyadaman argatanii waan jiraniif kana hojiirra oolchuuf tattaaffatu. Shirri fi dabni qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoorratti hojjetamu daangaa hin qabu. Akkuma diinni QBO halkanii fi guyyaa hojjechaa jiru Sabboontotni Oromoos yoomiyyuu caalaa kan halkanii fi guyyaa hojjetan yeroon isaa amma ta’uu qaba.
Abdii Boruu: