
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Calling for demonstration Namsos, Norway Human Rights Violations against Oromo

demonsOromos who live in Namsos, Norway and its surrounding, scheduled to hold a demonstration on Monday, December 22, 2014, at 13:00-15:00 against Ethiopian dictatorial Regime
The objectives of the demonstration are:-
-To support Amnesty International on its report 2014 ‘’ BECAUSE I AM OROMO¨
-To call the World to demands the release of all Oromo Political Prisoners
-To condemn the brutal killings, arrests, tortures, displaced exercise by the Ethiopian regime on innocent Oromo’s
-To call on donors to stop their support for the Ethiopian dictator regime
We welcome all Oromos and Friends of Oromo will join this demonstration
For more information call: 45589221 or 40988462

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ethiopia: Fuel Distribution Quandary Hits Nation

No more fuel.
No more fuel.
December 15, 2014 (The Reporter – Pro-government website) — A day after the Ministry of Trade (MoT) declared a slight reduction in fuel retail price, fuel shortage has hit the nation including Addis Ababa and other major cities.
However, the government refuted the shortage claim and accused distributors for deliberately creating the crisis.
Earlier this week the MoT announced a new retail price for fuel. According to the price that was readjusted by the Ministry, the new retail price of ordinary benzene is 19.41 birr per liter while light diesel and kerosene are sold for 17.49 and 15.40, respectively. Similarly, light black diesel, heavy black diesel and plane fuel are sold 17.49, 15.14 and 19.43 birr per liter, respectively.
After the price cuts, the past few days saw long queues in different parts of Addis Ababa’s gas stations. Similarly, in Bahir Dar, Dire Dawa, Jimma and Adama towns only limited number of gas stations were delivering fuels for their customers.
According to witnesses from Bahir Dar, only two stations have been operating and were struggling hard to meet the demands of their customers.
Station goers speculated that the owners did not bring sufficient fuels for some days in fear of price cuts.
Meanwhile, a Bajaj driver from Dire Dawa told The Reporter that most vehicles were forced to sit idle on Thursday and Friday due to shortage of fuel in which he said that only two stations were working to cater to their customers needs as huge number of vehicles were waiting for hours to fill their tanks.
However, The Reporter learnt that Hawassa was not hit by the crisis unlike other towns of the Southern Nations and Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State and the rest of the country.
The fuel crisis has also affected some private schools in the Addis Ababa. The administration of one private school in the capital (name of the school has been withheld) posted on the school’s notice board a statement that read, “Since there is fuel shortage in the city and most of our students are not able to come on time. So we would like to announce that the school has been closed for today.”
This week the Addis Ababa City Administration Trade Bureau announced that it nullified some 11 gas stations’ trading permits that are accused for the current shortage of fuel in the capital.
In addition to nullifying trading permits, the Bureau is deliberating on what measures it can take against those who are deliberately delaying shipment till the price of oil is fixed.
According to the minister of state for Trade, Ali Siraj, the main problem is caused by multinational oil importing companies. The Ministry issued several cautionary messages to these companies stating that if they fail to rectify the error, they will be put out of the market.
Currently, there are 200 fuel trucks on the Port of Djibouti for the purpose of transporting fuel to Ethiopia in order to address the problem. In addition to this, companies are allowed to borrow fuel from companies with surplus.
Global oil price has fallen by more than 40 percent since June, when it was USD 115 a barrel. It is now below USD 70. This comes after nearly five years of stability. At a meeting in Vienna on November 27 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which controls nearly 40 percent of the world market, failed to reach agreement on production curbs, sending the price tumbling. Also hard hit are oil-exporting countries such as Russia, Nigeria, Iran and Venezuela.

Source: The Reporter

Friday, December 12, 2014

Addis Master Plan completed, sent to local governments

Established to craft a plan that integrates Addis Ababa with the surrounding Oromia region, the Addis Ababa and Surrounding Oromia Special Zone Integrated Master Plan Project Office will come to the end of its mission at the end of the current Ethiopian year. The board of directors, which is led by Dirriba Kuma, mayor of the Addis Ababa city government and Abdullaziz Mohammad, vice president of Oromia regional state, decided to submit the finalized integrated plan by January, 2015.
The board of directors are also expected to announce the approval of designs prepared by the project office, as part of the master plan. These include developing a green economy and using city rivers for recreational purposes. They are also contemplating to launch the plan in the next two weeks. The plan will serve the capital and the special zones for the next 25 years. 
“By 2023, Addis Ababa and the surrounding Oromia will provide a safe and livable environment for their people and become Ethiopian’s hub to ensure the national vision of becoming a middle income county, Africas diplomatic capital and internationally competitive city” reads the mission statement of the master plan.
The plan’s purpose is to link Addis Ababa with special zones within 100km of the capital; economically and socially. These zones are administered under Oromia regional state.
“The aim of the project office was to prepare the integrated plan and pass it on to respective economic sectors, under the Addis Ababa city government and the Oromia regional state. Carrying the plan out will be the responsibility of local governments,” said Dawit Nigussie, Public Relation Head at the project office.
Hopes are that this will improve economic conditions in outlying areas. Currently, the integrated plan has introduced new industry zones in Sululta, Burayu-Menagesha, Adama, Sebeta, Gelan-Dukem, and Legetafo/Legedadi.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sabboonaan Oromoo Barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa Mootummaan Wayyaanee Waggaa Sadiif Manneen Hidhaa Ma’ikalawwii fi Qaallittii Keessatti Hidhee Dararaa Cimaa Irraan Gahaa Ture Irraa Dandamachuu Dadhabuun Har’a Wareegame

barsiisaa-dirribii-nagaasaa-3Gabaasa Oduu Gaddaa Mudde 9,2014 Sabboonaan Oromoo Barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa daraaraa(torture)  guddaa mootummaan EPRDF/TPLF/n  irratti rawwataniin waggaa Sadii (3)oliif Mana hidhaa Wayyaanee Ma’ikalawwii fi Qaallittitti hidhamee dararama kan ture, darara ulfaataa irratti rawwatamaa tureen hakan Edaa hospital Geedootti lubbuun isaa Wareegame.
Sabboonaan Oromoo  Barsiisaa Dirriibii Nagaasaa barsiisaa M/B Geedoo Sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inatti muummee barnoota Information Technology barsiisaa kan ture, Sochii warraqsaa dargaggootni Oromoo mirga abbaa biyyummaa Uummata Oromoo kabachisuuf gaggeessan keessatti ga’ee guddaa taphachaa kan turee fi sabboonaa Oromoo mirgii namummaa fi dimookiraasii uummata Oromoof kabajamuu qaba jechuun soda tokko malee gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa finiinsa turedha.
Gootichi Oromoo barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa bara 2010  carraa barnoota Mastersii argachuun Yuunibarsiitii Adaamaatti damee barnoota Information Technology tiin carraa barnoota Mastersii itti fufee barachuu utuu jiruu mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF/OPDO’n humnoota tikaa isheen bara 2011 ukkamsuun FDG qindeessa jirta, sochii warraqsaa Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo qindeessaa jirta, ABO waliin hidhata guddaa qabda jechuun ukkamsuun mana hidhaa Wayyaanee gidduu galeessatti darbame humnoota tikaa Wayyaaneetiin daraara(Torture) guddaan waggaa tokkoo oliif  irratti fudhama turuu yeroo irraa gara yerootti gabaasaa turuun keenya ni yaadatama. Wayyaaneen  gooticha Oromoo barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa waggaa tokkoo oliif maa’ikalawwiitti dararaa turuun, waggaa lamaa oliif immoo Mana hidhaa Qaallittiitti daraaraa turuun yeroo garaagaraa gabaasa kan turredha.
Mana hidha Qaallittittis haalan dararaa ulfaatan kan irratti gaggeeffama ture yoo ta’uu, dararama ulfaata irratti rawwatameen akka malee dhukkubsatee achii keessatti lubbuun isaa illee haala sodaachisaa irra turuu gabaasa turre, mootummaan Wayyaanee barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa Waggaa Sadii(3) oliif erga dararaa turtee booda ganna darbe  Hagayyaa 2014 keessa mana hidhaa qaallitti irra kan gadi lakkise utuu inni du’aa fi jireenya giddutti dararama jiruu ta’uun beekamadha. Gootichi Oromoo barsiisaa Dirriibii Nagaasaa erga mana hidaa Wayyaanee irraa ba’ees guyyaa tokko boqonnaa hin argannee dararama waayyaneen irratti rawwatteen haala fayyuu hin dandeenyee fi yaaddessaa keessa turuun halkan edaa galgala Hospitalaa Geedootti lubbuun isaa Wareegamee jira.
Yeroo ammaa kana reeffii Gooticha Oromoo barsiisaa Dirriibii Nagaasaa ganda dhaloota isaa Aanaa Calliyaa Magaalaa Baabbichaa gara maatii isaatti  galee kan jiru yoo ta’uu, Sirni awwaalcha gooticha Oromoo barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa guyyaa boruu Aanaa Calliyaa Magaalaa Baabbichatti kan gaggeeffamu yoo ta’u, sirna Awwacha isaa kana irratti argamuuf uummatni Oromoo, dargaggootni barattootni Oromoo fi barsiisotni Oromoo godinaalee Oromiyaa garagaraa fi dhaabbilee barnootaa garaagaraa irra gara kanatti adeemaa jiru, uummatni kumoota dhibbootan lakka’amuus guyyaa boruu magaalaa Baabbichaa irratti sirna gaggeessa gooticha Oromoo kanarratti akka argamuuf jiruu ta’uun haalaan eegamaa jira.Barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa
Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaanee yakka ofiin dhala Oromoo irratti dalage kanan soda guddaa keessa seenuun Magaalaa Amboo hanga Magaalaa Geedootti human waraanaa guddaa ramaduun magaalotni Amboo, Gudar, Tokkee Kutayyee, Baabbichaa, Geedoo, Ijaajjii fi Baallammiin waraanaan qabamtee jirti.
Haaluma kana ilaalchisuun   Hoggansii Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo dararaa ulfaataa gooticha Oromoo barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa irratti rawwatamaa turee fi Wareegamuu gooticha kanaaf gaddaa ulfaataa itti dhagaa’amaa jiru dargaggoota Oromoofi uummata Oromoo hundaaf ibsaa jira. Bilisummaa uummata ofii kabachiisuuf warregamuun darqama qabsoo keessatti goota mudatu waan ta’eef saba ofiif wareegamuun gootummadha, barsiisaa Dirriibii Nagaasaa wareegama gootummaa baase, qabsa’aan ni kufa qabsoon itti fufa jechuun dhaamsa ilmaan Oromoo bakka jirtan hundaa sirna gaggeessa gooticha Oromoo kanarratti akka argamtan jechuun dhaamsa dabarsuun, kanneen fageenyii fi haalli isin hanqisee qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo goototni qaaliin irratti wareegamaa jiran galmaan geenyee bilisummaa keenyaa akka gonfannuuf FDGtti akka jabaattan jechuun dhaamasa gaddaa dabarsee jira. Gabaasaan sirna awwaalchaa fi Seenaa gooticha Oromoo barsiisaa Dirribii Nagaasaa kan itti fufuun isiniif ergamu ta’uu ni hubachiifna!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Why the successive Ethiopian rulers target Oromo?

Why the successive Ethiopian rulers target Oromo?

Oromo people the largest indigenous Ethnic group in East Africa with a population of around 40 million in Ethiopia and also extending in to Kenya, parts of Somalia and Egypt. The Oromo’s are Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group and their language is the fourth most spoken in Africa (after Arabic, Hausa, and Swahili). Oromo is spoken over a geographically wide expanse. The other names of the language include, Afaan Oromo, Oromiffa and Oromo. But start to be marginalized and discriminated by successive Ethiopian government.

The Oromo people in Ethiopia have been subjugated by the Ethiopian rulers since the last quarter of 19th century since then, the Oromo language was banned for use in education, the mass-media and public life. Afran orom was banned first during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie, this time the Oromo language and speakers were privately and publicly ridiculed. The government did every thing in its power to ensure the domination of the Abyssinian language and cultures over the Oromo people and subsequently, during the communist regime that followed the Emperor’s overthrow. Since 1992, the ban has been lifted up and the language is used in the Oromia state with some restrictions.

All along, the successive Ethiopian regimes including the current regime have embarked on deliberate and systematic campaigns of misinformation about the Oromo people, their language and culture in order to sustain the subjugation of the Oromo people.

Why the successive Ethiopian rulers target Oromo?

The Tigrayan-led regime mainly targets the Oromo because of their economical resource and political resistance. According to the Oromia support Group “Because the Oromo occupy Ethiopia’s richest areas and comprise half of the population of Ethiopia, they are seen as the greatest threat to the present Tigrean-led government subsequently, any indigenous Oromo organization, including the Oromo Relief Association, has been closed and suppressed by the government. The standard reason given for detaining Oromo people is that they are suspected of supporting the OLF”
 Human right watch and Amnesty International others international media often expose the Oromo, are being ruthlessly targeted by the state based solely on their perceived opposition to the government. It added how Oromos have regularly subjected to arbitrary arrest, prolonged detention without charge, enforced disappearance, repeated torture and unlawful state killings as parts of the government’s incessant attempts to crush dissent.

”The Ethiopian government’s relentless crackdown on real or imagined dissent among the Oromo is sweeping its scale and often shocking in its brutality,” said Clair Beston, Amnesty international’s Ethiopia researcher. “This is apparently intended to warn, control or silence all signs of political disobedience in the region.” According to Amnesty International reports at lest 5,000 ethnic Oromos have been arrested between 2011 and 2014 based on their actual or suspected peaceful opposition to the government.

These include peaceful protesters, students, members of opposition political parties and people expressing their oromo cultureal heritage. In addition to these groups, people from all walks of life farmers, teachers, medical professionals, civil servants, singers, businesspeople, and countless others are regularly arrested in Oromia based only on the suspicion that they don’t support the government. Many are accused of ‘inciting others against the governmet. Family memebers of suspects have also been target by association based only on the suspicion they shared or ‘inherited their relative’s views or are arrested in place of their wanted relative.

Many of those arrested have been detained without charge for months or even years and subjected to repeated torture. Throughout the region, hundreds of people are detained in unofficial detention in military camps. Many are denied access to lawyers and family members. Dozens of those actual or suspected dissenters have been killed. The majority of those targeted are accused of supporting the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) the armed group in the region.

Source: Amnesty International Report published date 28, October 2014  
  Oromia support Group
  BBC NEWS 28, October 2014

  UCLA  Language Materials Project 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gross Human right violations and destruction of oromo elites In Ethiopia

Gross Human right violations  and destruction of oromo  elites In Ethiopia

Today the Ethiopian government led by the Tigrayan regime have dominated cities and towns in Oromia and have segregated the oromo people both in urban and rural areas and have kept them under ¨Ethiopian political slavery ¨ by using the army ,modern weapon, the media , the telephone, the fax, the internet , and other communication and information apparatuses and network . Recently only  in the month of June Oromo  journalist are being falsely accused of providing information to diaspora news organizations like VOA, DW, Seif, Eri-TV (Oromo), Oromo Voice Radio and the newly inaugurated Oromia Media Network (OMN).
According to different sources and eye witness, 17 Oromo journalists of the Oromia Radio and Television Organization (ORTO) have been forced out of their jobs as of June 25, 2014.
The journalists say they have received no prior notices and learned of their fates on Wednesday morning (June 25, 2014) when the security at the gate prevented them from entering the station’s compound located in Adama.
Members of the management informed the journalists that they could not help them as the decision to terminate their employments and the list of names came from the federal government. According Human rights watch reports and other International Medias showed us the Ethiopia government spying on citizens' phone calls and Internet activity. It details how Ethiopia's ruling party intercepts cellphone communications and emails, censors websites and harasses opposition bloggers and Facebook users — all with the help of technology made in Germany, Italy, China and the UK.
Intercepted communications have been used to crack down on opposition party members, political dissidents, journalists and young members of the ethnic Oromo population.
In one instance, an unidentified Oromo man recounted what happened when he was arrested. The authorities knew everyone he had communicated with through his cellphone, and even described conversations he had with his friends and associates in detail.
"'If you are talking through this telephone, we record all conversations,'" the authorities told him, according to the Human right watch report.

Using political violence, the Tigrayan government has completely dominated and controlled the oromo and their resource. The Tigrayan government has denied them the freedom of expression and organization as well as access to the media and all forms of communications and information networkmo-journalists.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sochii Barattoota Oromoo Yuuniversitii Naannoo Oromiyaa Keessatti Mul’ataa Jiruun Wal Qabatee Mootummaan Wayyaanee Humni Waraanaan Yuuniversiileen Eegamu

Sochii Barattoota Oromoo Yuuniversitii Naannoo Oromiyaa Keessatti Mul’ataa Jiruun Wal Qabatee Mootummaan Wayyaanee Humni Waraanaan Yuuniversiileen Eegamuu Qaba Jedha!‏

diddaa9Gabaasa Qeerroo, Sadaasa 26/2014
Mooraaleen Yuuniversitii naannoo Oromiyaa keessa humna waraanaa fi tika Wayyaaneen eegamaa jiraachuu Qeerroon gabaase. Fincilli mooraa Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa keessatti eegaleef mootummaan Wayyaanee yeroo ammaa naannoo Yuuniversiti eegumsi akka jiraatu murteeffameera, mooraa Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa keessatti barumsi dhaabbatee kan jiruudha.
Kana malees torbee kana fincilli Yuuniversitii Amboo keessatti ka’uuf jedhamee dursee mootummaan wayyaanee humna waraanaa ramaduun dhagayame, yeroodhaaf barattootni kan callisan tahus, yeroo ammaa yuuniversitii naannoo oromiyaa keessatti sochiin barattoota sabboontota oromoon gaaffiin mirgaa ka’uuf waan mumul’ataa jiruuf mootummaan wayyaanee murtoo keessa seenee jiru kan dhagayamu yuuniversitiileen naannoo oromiyaa tikaan eegamun waan dirqama tahudha jechuutu dhagayama. Akkasuma yuuniversitii dame Asellaa keessattii waraqaan balaliituun halkan edaa mooraa keesatti tamsa’ee naannoo garagaraatti mul’ateen bulchiinsa yuuniversitii dame Asallaatti fincilli barattootaan ka’uudhaaf deema waan taheef dursee akka of qopheessan, barattoota seeraan akka qabanii fi hordofan akeekachiisni gahaa jira jedhama,akka gabaasni Qeerroo irraa dhaamamaa jirutti yuuniversitii Wallaggaa, Damee Yuuniversitii Gimbii,Mattuu, Jimmaa, Finfinnee, Amboo,Adaamaa, dame Asellaa, Haromayyaa fi Bulee Horaa keessatti ka duraa irra sochiin barattoota oromoo, gaaffii mirgaa fi dhimmoota barnootaan wal qabsiisanii gaafachuun waan itti fufaa jiruuf akkuma sochiin barattootaa kun mul’ataa jiru caasaan mootummaa wayyanees waan dhagayuu fi itti yaaddawaa jiruufis dursanii fincila barattootaan dura of qopheessuutti dirqamanii jiraachuutu yeroodhaa yerootti waan hubatamaa jiruudha.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gootota Baratoota Oromoon,Jalabultiin Yaadatnoo FDG Sadaasi 9 Mooraa Yuuniversitii Jimmaa Keessatti Bifa Howwaa Taheen Kabajamaa Bule.

Gootota Baratoota Oromoon,Jalabultiin Yaadatnoo FDG Sadaasi 9 Mooraa Yuuniversitii Jimmaa Keessatti Bifa Howwaa Taheen Kabajamaa Bule.

Sadaasa 8,2014 Guyyaan Yaadannoo FDG Sadasni 9 marsaan 9ffaa gootota Qeerroo barattoota Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaan jalbultii isaa irraa eegaluun haala ho’aa ta’een kabajamaa jira.
Goototni Qeerroon dargaggootni baratootni Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa mooraa arfan main Campus, Agriculture, Sayinsii fi Teekinooloojii, Economics and Bussiness fi Kolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaan haala ajaa’ibsiisaa ta’een kanbajamuu egalee jira. Goototni
Qeerroon barattootni Oromoo sagalee faaruu goototaa dhageesisuun gootota ilmaan Oromoo bilisummaa saba isaaniif jecha wareegama lubbuu baasan farfachuun namoota dhuunfaa, akka walitti dhufeenyaa fi caasaa ijaarsaa fi miseensotni Qeerroo barattoota Oromoo addaatti bifa qinda’een Sadaasa 9 yaadannoo FDG marsaa 9ffaan bifa adda ta’een kabajamuu eegalee jira.
Goototni barattootni Oromoo goota bilisummaaf wareegameef hin boo’an ni faarsu malee jechuun walleelee warraaqsaa kaachisuun gootota ilmaan Oromoo bilisummaa saba isaaniif wareegaman faarsuun jabaatee itti fufe, walleelee warraqsaas kaachisuun kaayyoo goototni ilmaan Oromoo irraatti wareegamaa jiran galmaan ga’uuf muratnoo fi kutannoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof qaban ifatti diinatti argisiisan.
Addatti immoo mooraa Saayinsii fi Tekinooloojii keessatti Qophii anaa dhufuu barattoota haaraaf gumii guddina, aadaa, seenaa fi afaan Oromoo waliin qindeessuun, sirnni yaadannoo sadaasa 9 guyyaan FDG marsaa 9ffaa kabajameera. Walleeleen warraaqsaas itti fufinsaan qabsiifaman, goototni barattootni Oromoo mooraa keessa gara Magaalaa Jimmaatti gadi ba’uun daandii cufuuf wayita sochii cimaa gochaa jiranitti human waraanaa guddaa Magaalaa Jimmaa fi Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa eegaa jiruun ittifaman . Walleeleen Warraaqsaa kanneen akka:
”Siifan lolaa uummata narra hingortuu, siifan lolaa yaa lola Eeboo,hin beeloftee moo hin dheebotte yaa Abo , hin beelofnee hin dheebonnee seena baddee na boosisa yaa abo, akka Taaddee Birruu, akka Abishee Garbaa, Akka Maammoo Mazammir, Akka Laggeesee Wagii, akka Tasfuu Camadaa, Akka Jaagamaa Badhaanee, akka Alamayyoo Garbaa, akka Gaadisaa hirphaasaa siifan loolaa uummataa narra hingortuu, gumaa ijoollee keenyaa Uummataa nargortuu, kaanee haabafannuu uummataa nurraa gortuu, hanga bilisummaa qabsoon itti haafuftuu, kan jedhuu fi
Sirba hirphaa Gaanfurree, Bishaan Oromiyaa caffee keessa yaatii fi wallee warraaqsaa Eebbisaa Addunyaa ”eenyu isheen daangaa Oromoo tuqxuu irra ejjettee Morma ishee hin kuttuu”‘ jechuun Ilmaan gootaa gootota ilmaan Oromoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo irratti wareegaman yaadachaa bulan.
Kana Maleessi barruuleen Warraaqsaa gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo qabatee fi Dhaadannoo garaagaraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof nama onnachiisaan of irraa qabu, magaalaa jimmaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessatti uummataaf raabsaman, magaalaa keessattis haalan bittinneeffamaman, suuraan gootota Oromoos uummataa fi Qeerroon waliif kennaa jiraachuun ibsamera. haaluma kanan walqabatee FDG guddaan dhalachuuf jira jechuun mootummaan Wayyaanee yaaddoo guddaa keessa seenuun human waraanaa guddaa maqaalaa Jimmaa keessa mooraa ”Waraana dhihaa” kutaa 12ff jedhamuun beekamu keessa gadi yaasuun halkan guutuu magaalaan Jimmaa fi Yuunibarsiitiin Jimmaa Waraanaan eegamaa jirti. Soda guddaa sochii kana irraa qabduunis Wayyaaneen tajajila Interniitii fi Network ukkamsaa jiru.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The Oromo Liberation Front would like to give this Press Release to clear the shabby-foggy
news carried on the Zehabesha website on October 23, 2014 regarding the OLF-for Change
Chairman General Kamal Galchu. We would like to assure the Wider Oromo people at home
and in diaspora that the General is in full command of the Organization and the information
given by few failed individuals of our organization is false and baseless
Waajira ABO ,
Adda Bilisummaa Oromo Oromo Liberation Front 
Laakkoo : abo-014-2014 Ref.No : olf-014-2014 
Guyyaa : Onk. 24 , 2014 Date : October 24 , 2014 

The Oromo Liberation Front would like to give this Press Release to clear the shabby-foggy 
news carried on the Zehabesha website, Ethiomedia and other media outlets on October 23, 2014 
regarding the OLF-for Change Chairman Brig. Gen. Kamal Galchu .
We would like to assure the Wider Oromo people at home and in diaspora that the general is in full 
command of the Organization and the information given by few failed individuals of our Organization is 
false and baseless .
The following points are given by the office of the OLF-for Change, to the media until the 
leadership of the organization passes all rounded decisions and clarification:
1. The enemy has been working on all fronts (inside and outside) to kill the Oromo people’s 
legitimate struggle and thereby legitimate right for long time now.
2. Accordingly, enemy servants who are die-hard power mongers who forgot the Oromo 
people and its struggle except their empty power were trying to sabotage the functions of 
the struggle in many different ways for long time.
3. The leadership patiently tried all means possible to advise them so that they can refrain 
from their treacherous activities but to no avail.
4. The last and latest attempt done by the leadership, as per the decision of the Central 
Committee is to establish a fact finding committee which can investigate any and all 
complaints by these few individuals. The committee finalized its investigation and is 
ready to submit its report any time.
5. The group knew that they will be exposed by this investigation and therefore opted 
for calling illegal meeting of the central committee in contradiction to the rules of the 
6. Based on this and to protect the laws of the organization and the integrity of the 
organization, The Chairman suspended these few individuals until the matter is 
deliberated up on and decided by the central committee.
7. The group which already made up its mind and wanted to create havoc went on media 
and gave the above mentioned useless and pack of lies in order to cover up their crimes 
and their masters’ hidden mission.
8. This illegal group has no mandate or the capacity to distribute such a false information is to create 
confusion and demoralize the Oromo cause. But they were not successful and never be.
Because the Oromo Struggle is unstoppable. We like to ascertain our firm commitment to the cause and 
stand by our people no matter what.Waajira ABO ,
Our organization shall emerge victorious, because it is with the people and for the People of 
Oromia and all other people who are under the brutal rule of the enemy.
We stand firmly for the liberty and freedom of our people and country!

The Office of OLF-for Change

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

UN Report Says Eritrea Arming and Training TPDM

UN Report Says Eritrea Arming and Training TPDM

The following is the text of the UN Monitoring Group on Eritrea concerning Eritrea’s support of the Tigray People’s Democratic Movement–an armed Ethiopian opposition group founded by dissidents from the TPLF.
Tigray People’s Democratic Movement
70. The Monitoring Group received multiple corroborating testimonies that Eritrea continues to support the Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM), in violation of paragraph 15 (b) of resolution 1907 (2009).
71. TPDM, also known by its Tigrinya acronym “Demhit”, is an armed Ethiopian opposition group founded in 2001 by dissidents from Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) of Ethiopia. TPDM says its aim is “to establish a popular democratic government of Ethiopia where the rights of nation and nationality are respected”.[i]
72. The Monitoring Group has previously reported on Eritrea’s support for TPDM (S/2012/545). In 2012, the Group found that TPDM was being trained in Harena, a Red Sea island off the eastern coast of Eritrea, as well as in smaller military training outposts close to the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Monitoring Group obtained information that TPDM continues to be trained in Harena (see annex 7.1 for a map with the location of Harena).[ii]
73. TPDM regularly issues publicly available videos in which it affirms its commitment to taking up arms against the Government of Ethiopia.[iii] It is, however, difficult to verify information about military confrontations between TPDM and the Ethiopian army. A member of an NGO in contact with TPDM leaders told the Monitoring Group that he was informed of clashes in Benishangul, near the Amhara region of Ethiopia, in November of 2013.[iv] A former Eritrean general with active contacts inside the Eritrean military also told the Monitoring Group about an armed clash between the Ethiopian military and TPDM in the fall of 2013.[v] Moreover, the Monitoring Group received information that TPDM had participated in an armed crackdown on internal dissent inside Eritrea at the end of 2013.[vi]
74. Independent sources with relationships in the Eritrean military and with the Movement’s own leadership have told the Monitoring Group that TPDM had become the most important Ethiopian opposition group inside Eritrea and it had a dual function as an Ethiopian armed opposition group and a protector of the Afwerki regime.[vii] Its fighters, who are from the same ethnic group as President Afwerki, are seen to be personally loyal to him, unlike the defence forces whose loyalties have been questioned by the President in recent years.[viii] This is seen to be particularly relevant after the failed attempted “Forto” army mutiny confronting the Eritrean regime on 21 January 2013 (see S/2013/440).
75. The Monitoring Group estimates that there currently are tens of thousands of TPDM fighters.[ix] Two former senior Eritrean officials and a former Eritrean general, all of whom are in contact with officials in the military and Government, have told the Monitoring Group that Eritrea’s support to TPDM appears to be more
sustained and organized than its support for other Ethiopian armed groups.[x] A source with direct contacts within the leaderships of a number of armed groups described the TPDM as appearing to have “far more fighting capacity” than other Ethiopian groups.[xi]
76. The Monitoring Group also received information from two sources with active contacts inside EDF that weapons in the logistics department of EDF are being systematically transferred to TPDM.[xii] A reliable former senior Eritrean military source told the Group that he was informed by his former colleagues that the following weapons had been transferred from EDF to the TPDM in autumn 2013, most likely during the month of September: sniper rifles, Walther PP semi-automatic pistols, Doshkas, Tokarev T pistols, and binoculars.[xiii] The Monitoring Group has not been able to substantiate the information provided nor confirm whether the weapons given to TPDM came from old EDF stock or whether TPDM is being armed with weapons procured for the army after the adoption of resolution1907 (2009).
77. In Cairo on 15 February 2014, the Monitoring Group raised the question of the source of the weapons used to arm TPDM with the Senior Political Adviser to the President of Eritrea, Mr. Gebreab. Mr. Gebreab told the Group that the Government of Eritrea does not support TPDM, which he said was interested in fighting the Government of Ethiopia. He further stated that in his view, there were no arms going to TPDM. The Monitoring Group requested additional information on TPDM in two letters dated 7 March 2014 ( see annex 1) and 1 August 2014 (see annex 3). During a videoconference on 28 July 2014, Ambassador Tesfay, did not answer the Monitoring Group’s questions about TPDM, and he said that Ethiopian armed groups were a creation of Ethiopia’s internal dynamics. He stressed that Eritrea was not engaged in any internal destabilization in Ethiopia.

One Response to “UN Report Says Eritrea Arming and Training TPDM”


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    Wednesday, October 8, 2014

    Barsiisoti Oromoo Dirqamaan Walgahii Wayyaanee Irraatti Akka Hirmaatan Ta’an Diddaa Sirna EPRDF Irratti Ibsa Ejjetnoo Fudhatan.

    Barsiisoti Oromoo Dirqamaan Walgahii Wayyaanee Irraatti Akka Hirmaatan Ta’an Diddaa Sirna EPRDF Irratti Ibsa Ejjetnoo Fudhatan.

    DIDDAA 2Haala Yeroo biyyattiin Keessa jirtuu fi Kasaaraa siyaasaa Mootummaa EPRDF mudatee jiru irratti Ibsa barsiisota Oromoo dhaabbilee bararnoota Olaanoo Yuunibarsiitota garaagaraa irratti maqaa walga’ii tarsiimoo Siyaasaa jechuun wayyaaneen walitti qabde irraa kenname.
    1. Sirni TPLF/EPRDF bulchiinsa Dimookiraasii Warraqaan kakatuu fi sirna Federaalizimii daheeffachuun yakka raawwatuun Impaayera Itophiyaa waggoota 23 oliif bitaa jiru, ummata guddaa biyyatti keessatti argamuu uummata Oromoo irratti yakka dugugginsa sanyii rawwaachaa as gahe. Sabaaf sablamoota biyyatti tapha siyaasaan ala godhee qoddanna angoo ala taasisuun fallaa federaliizimii fi dimookiraasii dhaabbatee, mirgoota siyaasaa, namummaa, amantaa, walgahuu, ijaaramuu fi kkf ugguraa fi dhiitaa jira.

    Thursday, September 18, 2014

    Godina Shaggar Lixaa aanota adda adda keessatti loltooti Dargii duraanii kanneen turan walgahii Wayyaanee didan. FDG Yuuniversitii Wallaggaas itti fufe.

    Godina Shaggar Lixaa aanota adda adda keessatti loltooti Dargii duraanii kanneen turan walgahii Wayyaanee didan. FDG Yuuniversitii Wallaggaas itti fufe.

    Gabaasa Qeerroo Fulbaana 18,2014 Amboo
    diddaa9Fulbaana 17,2014 Godina Shaggar lixaa Aanotaa garaagaraa irraa mootummaan Wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo loltuu Dargii turan gandoota keessa walitti qabuun  walga’ii ololaa kan qabsoo Oromoo dura dhaabbatuu fi olaantummaa fedha Habashootaa tiksu itti fufee uumanni loltoota Dargii turan duraanii gaaffii mirgaa itti kaasan. Loltooti kun ilaalcha Ithiyoophiyuummaa ni qabaatu sababa jedhuun waamichi kun ta’es jarreen kun olola qondaalota Wayyaanee kana hin fudhatne.
    Godina Lixa Shaggar Aanotaa akka Midaa Qanyii, Calliyaa Geedoo, Iluu Galaan Ijaajjii, fi Baabbicha irraa aanaa Calliyaa Geedoo irratti ilmaan Oromoo loltoota Dargii ta’an walitti kan qabaman yeroo ta’u  walga’iin Wayyaanee guyyaa tokkotti bu’aa tokko malee fashalaa’e.
    Ilmaan Oromoo haala kanaan walitti qabaman kunneen nuti isin hin barbaadnu, walga’ii keessanis hin teenyu, isin warraa qe’eetti dhukaasee nama ajjeesudha, warraa barattoota rasaasaan reebudha, warra lafa irraa Oromoo buqqisuudha, warraa afaan qawweetti amanudha jechuun walga’ii wayyaanee fi akeeka Wayyaanee dura dhaabbatan.
    Kana malees  Fulbaana 16,2014 FDG goototni  Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Wallaggaatti maqaa walga’ii ololaa Wayyaanee marsaa 2ffaaf walitti qabaman  guyyaa kaleessaa Walga’ii Wayyaanee hin fudhannuu jechuun guyyaa guutuu galma walga’iitti seenuu diduun walga’iicha dhabaan.
    Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Wallaggaatti wallaggatti walitti qabaman gaaffii mirgaa gaafachuu ergamtootni Wayyaanee walga’icha gaggeessan kan Zalaalem Jamaneedhaan hogganaman akka barattootni gaaffii hin gaafatne gaaffii barattoota irraa fuudhuu diduun gaaffii barattoota ugguraa waan jiraniif  barattootni gaaffii keenya nurraa fuudhaa deebii nuuf kenna jechuun mormii kaasuun walga’ii wayyaanee dhaaban. Guyyaa Har’aa mootummaan wayyaanee humna poolisii federaalaatti fayyadamuun dirqamaan akka galma walga’ichaa seenaan ta’uus barattootni Walga’iin kun nu hin ilaallatu hanga gaaffiin keenya nurraa fuudhamuu fi gaaffiin gaafachaa turre deebii quubsaa argatutti FDG garbummaa itti fufa jechuun dhaamsa waliif dabarsan.
    Yuunibarsiitii Amboottis haaluma walfakkaatuun barattootni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa akka hin kaafneef humna waraanaatiin dhorkaman, namni gaaffii tokko gaggeesitoota Wayyaanee gaafate, walga’ii kana irraas ni arii’ama, gara mooraa Yuunibarsiitii kamii seenee barachuu hin danda’uu jechuun barattootatti yeroo dhaadatan ;Goototni barattootni Oromoo Godina Lixa Shaggar irraa  Yuunibarsiitii Ambootti walitti qabaman barnootni bilisummaa booda, ” sodaa abjuu hirriba malee hin bulan” dabbaloota Wayyaanee rifaasisan. Sochiin barattoota Oromoo daran jabaachaa adeemu mootuummaa Wayyaaneetti mataa dhukkubbii ta’aa jiraachuun ibsame jira.

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Ethiopia: A Generation at Risk, Plight of Oromo Students

    Ethiopia: A Generation at Risk, Plight of Oromo Students

    HRLHA Urgent Action

    September 06, 2014
    The human rights abuses against Oromo Students in different universities have continued unabated over the past six months- more than a hundred Oromo students were extra-judicially wounded or killed, while thousands were jailed by a special squad: the “Agazi” force
    This harsh crackdown against the Oromo students, which resulted in deaths, arrests, detentions and disappearances, happened following a peaceful protest by the Oromo students and the Oromo people  in April –  May  2014 against  the so-called  “Integrated Master Plan of Addis Ababa”. This plan was targeted at the annexation of many small towns of Oromia to the capital Addis Ababa. It would have meant the eviction of around six million Oromos from their lands and long-time livelihoods without being consulted or giving consent. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has repeatedly expressed its deep concern about such human rights violations against the Oromo nation by the EPRDF government[1]
    The HRLHA reporter in Addis Ababa confirmed that in connection with the April-May, 2014 peaceful protests among the many students picked from different universities and other places in the regional State of Oromia and  detained in Maikelawi /”the Ethiopian Guantanamo bay Detention camp” ,the following nine students and another four, Abdi Kamal, TofiK Kamal and Abdusamad   business men from Eastern Hararge Dirre Dawa town and Chaltu Duguma (F) an employee of Wallaga Universty    are in critical condition due to the continuous severe torture inflicted upon them in the past five months.Ethiopi1 HRLHA Urgent Action