
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Response to Bewketu Seyoum’s Article

Response to Bewketu Seyoum’s Article

By Tesfaye Kebede*
Not sure what to make out of this gibberish (read here: from a certain Bewketu Seyoum writing about the ongoing Oromo and Southern cultural revolution; each of his sentence is constructed to deliberately use the rarest Amharic word/phrase possible (even those words used only during ESLCE Amharic exams) – all the energy is wasted to make the sentences flowery, but their meanings remain meaningless. Ya-Qaalaat Daadaataa only. His conclusion is that the ongoing cultural revolution is a sign of backward and stagnant mentality. Not sure why he wasted all these words and phrases, instead of just saying that in point-blank.
Responses Point-by-Point:
1) He refutes the thesis that the Ethiopian state was formed as a result of conflicts among three mainactors: the Oromo, the Amhara and the Tigreans. His thesis is that the Ethiopian state is not a result of conflicts, but of cooperation. By doing this, he negates the major pillar of the Ethiopianist’s argument (his camp’s major pillar) that no country has ever been created without violence. His Ethiopianist colleagues say this to rationalize the genocide perpetrated on the Oromo and the South by Menelik as a virtue whose end, but not means, was justified. Why did Bewketu view the genocide unleashed by Menelik’s Abyssinian/Amhara army on the Oromo and the South as “a peaceful cooperation among the South, the Oromo and Menelik/Amhara to create the Ethiopian state”? There were no signs of cooperation, but conflicts.
He simply cites the support Yohannes IV received from the Rayya/Wollo Oromo and the Afar against the Khedivate of Egypt as an example, but he deliberately misinterprets this coalition among neighbors with equal sovereigns (i.e. the Tigray-led Abyssinian state, the Rayya/Wollo Oromo state and the Afar Sultanate) as if it had been done under one sovereign kingdom, the Abyssinian state. Is it not true that the Afar Sultanate exists even today (with limited power due to the Abyssinian state’s takeover of the Afar sovereignty)? And, what about the Rayya/Wollo Oromo sovereignty? Wasn’t it Yohannes IV who crushed the Rayya/Wollo Oromo sovereignty and placed it under the Abyssinian state domination – guess at which place? … Boru-Meda! – the very name of Bewketu’s blog. Isn’t this what having affection for words/phrases without knowing their true meaning do to you? In addition to taking over the sovereignty of the Rayya/Wollo Oromo state, Yohannes IV also forced Wollo Oromo leaders (Imam Mohammed Ali and Imam Amade Liben) to be converted to Christianity with names, Ras Mikael (with his Godfather being Yohannes IV), and Ras Hayla-Maryam (with his Godfather being Menelik), respectively. There were no signs of cooperation, but conflicts.
2) A note to squash his “word borrowing as integration” – thesis. It’s said that some 30% of the English words are from the French language originally. However, neither the English/British nor the French claim that they have created an “integrated nation” out of this borrowing of words/phrases between the two languages. Citing that some Afan Oromo words (however many they may be) have been borrowed into Amharic, and to conclude that an “integrated Ethiopian nation” of the Oromo and the Amhara has been created is a wrong conclusion. The Ethiopian nation, if it even exists, is still the replica of the Amhara/Habesha culture, language and Orthodox worldview. By the way, Amharic has borrowed words from Arabic also – is Bewketu going to claim that the “Ethiopian national identity” also represents the Arabs? Keldun Tewew.
3) On the Oromo worldview: Bewketu fails to really see the essence of the Oromo Ateete while calling it“Zar” and “Wukabi” – understanding the Oromo worldview as an Amhara is not easy. Ateete is neither“Zar” nor “Wukabi,” but those with no understanding of the Oromo worldview are prone to misinterpret it. Saying the Oromo gave the culture of “Zar” and “Wukabi” to the Amhara is rather insulting the Oromo culture and worldview. There are many scholarly articles available online on Ateete to learn about it from the Oromo itself, instead of referring to a racist and bigoted view of Ateete from Debtera Desta Teklewold.
4) Bewketu on Oromo land: he says, “ኦሮሞ በረጅም ዘመን፣ በሠፊ ምድር፣ ሰፍሮ የመኖሩን ያክል” – here, the keyword is“ሰፍሮ” – this is another Oromo-phobic view of the Ethiopianist camp. They still have to acknowledge the Oromo-land (Biyyaa Oromoo) as the Oromo people’s country. To conveniently throw the poisonous word, “ሰፍሮ,” is only done to alienate the Oromo people from their land. ESAT also uses this term to support their thesis that the “Oromo invaded Ethiopia from the Indian Ocean, Madagascar, … and so on.”
5) Bewketu’s view on the ongoing cultural revolution in Oromia and the South. Yesterday, the fashion of the day among the Habesha elites was to insult the Oromo and the South as “culture”-less, “history”-less and “language”-less peoples. Today, he’s criticizing the Oromo and Southern peoples for embracing their identities by reviving their lost cultures, histories and languages. To show his phobia for this cultural revolution, he insults themiskin Gabi saying “Gabi can’t be pride.” … Gabi melbesem endezi anadotal ende! Gud bel, Borena.
6) Bewketu’s remark from Ato Afework Gebreyesus is encouraging only if he can discern its true meaning: – “A generation that cannot be better than its predecessors should be considered unborn.” That’s why this generation of the Oromo, the QubeeGeneration, is upholding the Oromo identity and cultural heritage much better than its predecessors since the occupation of Oromiyaa. Like the Sankofabird, this generation is reclaiming the past for the future. Oromo’s past was violently deleted from the history books by the successive Abyssinian regimes, it is the task of this generation to reclaim the past and chart the future based on the findings.
7) By his own admission, Bewketu began his article saying the “Ethiopian state” was a result of the cooperation among the major actors, the Oromo, the Amhara and the Tigreans. Here, the keyword is “cooperation.” And, he concludes his article without telling us what will happen to this “Ethiopian state” in a situation where its “founding principle of cooperation” among the major actors no longer exists – as it’s evident today. Instead, he raises his left arm to shout a familiar slogan, “Andinet Weyim Mot” – that’s the summarizing notion of his last paragraph. Bewketu, “Andinet Weyim Mot” yalut, yet deresu?
Tesfaye Kebede can be reached at

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

በዲያስፖራ ያለውን የወቅቱን የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ በማስመልከት በአውሮፓ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችና የሴቶች ማህበራት የጋራ መግለጫ

July 24, 2013
በአሁኑ ወቅት የኦሮሞ ፖለቲካዊና ዲፕሎማሲያዊ እድገት እርር ድብን ያደረጋቸው የአጼዎቹ ቡችሎች በአጼዎቹ ልጆች በተፈጠሩ ሚዲያዎች ላይ አንድን ግለሰብ በማስታከክ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የቃጡትን ሀሰታዊ የፖለቲካ ዘመቻ ለህመማቸው ፈውስ ሳይሆን ማባባሻ እንደሆነ ልናስጠነቅቃቸው እንወዳለን።
ነጻነት ዲሞክራሲና እኩልነት ስራ ላይ በሚውልበት ሀገር ውስጥ እየኖሩ ስለነጻነት ዲሞክራሲና እኩልነት የማይረዱ ግለሰቦች በምን አይነት መልኩ ሊማሩ እንደሚችሉ መገመት አዳጋች ነው። ለማመን በጣም አስቸጋሪ የሚሆነው ደግሞ እነዚህ ግለሰቦች በትምህርት ደረጃ ማእረጋቸውና በአስተሳሰባቸው መሀከል ያለው ርቀት የሰማይና የመሬት ያህል መሆኑ ነው።
ለመሆኑ ማነው እነሱን የኢትዮጵያ ባለቤትና የኢትዮጵያዊነት ትርጉም ፈቺ ያደረጋቸው? የፈለጉትን ንፁሕ ኢትዮጵያዊ: የፈለጉትን ጠንካራ ኢትዮጵያዊ: እንዲሁም ባንዳ ወይም ከሃዲ እያሉ የሚጠሩበትን መስፈርት ማነው የሰጣቸው? የአጼዎቹ አሊያም የአምባገነኑ የደርግ ስርአት መስፈርት መሆኑ ነው?
አክራሪ ወይም ሽብርተኛ የሚለውስ ከመለስ ዜናዊ ተኮርጆ ነው?
ከሁሉ አስቀድመን እነሱ በሚረዱት የሳባ ፊደል ሀ ብለን ልናስተምራቸው የምንወዳቸው ነጥቦች:
1ኛ፡ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ ተብላ የምትጠራው ኢምፓየር የአጼዎቹ ንብረት ሳትሆን አጼዎቹ በጉልበት የፈጠሯት እንደሆነች፡ ያም ማለት የኢትዮጵያ ወራሾች የአጼዎቹ አመልኪዎች ብቻ ሳይሆኑ የአጼዎቹ ሰለባዎችም መሆናቸውን፡
2ኛ፡ ኢትዮጵያዊነት ነህ፡ነሽ ተብሎ የሚሰጥ ዜግነት ሳይሆን ህዝቦች በፈቃዳቸው ወደው የሚቀበሉት የማንነት መገለጫ መሆን እንዳለበት፡ ያንን ለማምጣት ደግሞ ለምን ቅድሚያ ኦሮሞ ነኝ አልክ እያሉ የጥላቻና የሀሰት ዘመቻ በጀዋር ወይም በሌሎች ኦሮሞዎች ላይ በመክፈት ሳይሆን ውይይቶችን በማካሄድና ነጻ የሃሳብ መድረኮችን በመፍጠር እንደሆነ::
እኛ በአውሮፓ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችና የሴቶች ማህበራት በአሁኑ ወቅት በአልጀዚራ ላይ ቅድሚያ ኦሮሞ ነኝ በማለቱ ብቻ በፖለቲካ ምሁሩ ጀዋር ላይ የተከፈተውን የሀሰት ዘመቻ ማውገዝ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለመከላከልም በመገደዳችን ይህ አይነቱ አጼያዊ ዘመቻ እስኪያቆም ድረስ ከቅርብ ጊዜ በፊት ከሰላም ወዳድ የአንድነት ሀይሎች ጋር የጀመርነውን የቅርርብ ዲያሎጎችና የሀሳብ ልውውጦች በይበልጥ ልንገመግምው ወስነናል። ምክኒያቱም አንዳንድ ጉዳዩን ሊረዱ የማይችሉ ወይም ሊረዱ የማይፈልጉ ግለሰቦች የኛን የቅን አካሄድ እጅ እንደመስጠት አድርገው ሲሰብኩና የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግልንም ውጤት አልባና ውድቅ አድርገውም ሊጽፉ ሲሞክሩ ይታያሉ።
በአጼዎቹና በአምባገነኑ ዘመን የነበረውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ መልክና ይዘት ከአሁኑ ጋር ሲነጻጸር ያለውን ለውጥ በፊልም ካላሳየናቸው በቀር እንደማይገባቸው አሁን አሁን ተረድተናል።
ከ 15 እስከ 25 ሚሊዮን የሚጠጋው በቋንቋው እየተማረ ያለው የኦሮሞ ልጅ በማን የትግል ውጤት እንደሆነ ምናልባት በእግዚአብሄር መልዕክተኛ ካልተነገራቸው በቀር ሰው የሚነግራቸውንም ሆነ በአይናቸው የሚያዩትን ማመን ተስኗቸዋል።
ያም ሆነ ይህ እነዚህን ትምክህተኞች በወንድማችን ጀዋር ላይ እያደረጉ ያሉትን አጼያዊ ዘመቻ ለራሳቸው ህልውና ሲሉ እንዲያቆሙ እያስጠነቀቅናቸው፡
1ኛ፡ ሌሎች በዲያስፖራና በሀገር ቤት የሚገኙ የነጻነት: የዲሞክራሲና የእኩልነት መብት ታጋዮች ሁሉ ይህንን አጼያዊ ዘመቻ እንዲያወግዙ እንጠይቃለን።
2ኛ፡ በዲያስፖራና በሀገር ቤት የሚገኙ ሁሉም የኦሮሞ ኮሚዩኒቲዎች፡ የባህልና የጥናት አካዳሚዎች፡ የወጣቶችና የሴቶች ማህበራት እንዲሁም የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ይህ ዘመቻ የተከፈተው በጀዋር ላይ ብቻ ሳይሆን በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይም እንደሆነ አጢነው ተገቢዉን እርምጃ እንዲወስዱ እናሳስባለን።
እኛም በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ኦሮሞ ነን።
July 24, 2013
Oromo Youth Association in Europe:
Oromo Women’s Association in Europe:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is the Conflict Between Ethiopiawinet and Oromummaa Irreconcilable?

Is the Conflict Between Ethiopiawinet and OromummaaIrreconcilable?

By Fayyis Oromia*
It is interesting to follow the ongoing discussion and dispute regarding Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian nationalism) and Oromummaa (Oromo nationalism) in the cyberworld and at the real community level. It was two months ago that we first listened to a cyber conference of about eight political leaders and scholars, in which Dr. Bayan Asoba, one of the leaders of the Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) took part and showed the vision of his party regarding the futurity of both Ethiopia and Oromia. His position was moderate, which could have been taken as a middle ground for all the political groups in the Ethiopia Empire (the pro-independence, the pro-federation and the pro-unitary) to have a consensus if they really want to agree on a common ground. Then, Dr. Fikre Tolossa wrote an appeal open letter directed to Dr. Bayan, asking him, above all, to “accept Ethiopiawinet identity and struggle for the territorial integrity of the country.” One of the arguments he used to convince Dr. Bayan was attempting to present Ethiopian history in a totally new form. He asserted that Ethiopia, above all, belongs to the Oromo, who “were the rulers of this region for more than 3000 years.”
The Oromo nationalists reacted mostly by rejecting his appeal and one of the reactions was by raising the question, “if the whole empire belongs more to the Oromo than to the others, why don’t we re-name the whole country to be Oromia, instead of Ethiopia?” – as written and hotly discussed here: Following this hot debate on websites, it also became the daily area of dispute in Paltalk. It was during this situation that Jawar Mohammed said on Al Jazeera’s The Stream: “I am first Oromo; Ethiopia is imposed on me.” From this day on, two groups were/are attacking Jawar,Oromummaa and Oromia: the nostalgic Neo-Dergists, who want to divide Oromia into 15 pieces as well as get rid of the “ethnic federation” and the Neo-Nafxenyas (Woyanes), who want to keep the status quo. Slowly, the whole discussion and quarrel is now crystallizing to the ideological conflict betweenEthiopiawinet and Oromummaa.
To make clear about which Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet I am writing here, it is important to look at the different definitions given till now. For the ancient Greeks, the country called Ethiopia was where those with “burnt face” lived, i.e. the land of blacks, which included the whole of Africa; for the Biblical Jews, it is the land of Cush located south of Egypt; for the international community now, it is the currently existing state in the Horn of Africa; to the people like Prof. Megalommatis, Ethiopia is equivalent to the non-Abyssinian part of the Cushland; for the Abyssinian elites, Ethiopia simply means Abyssinia; for the nostalgic and conservative politicians of the empire, Ethiopia is the same as being Amhara; and, for the currently ruling class of the Tigreans, Ethiopia is the mask for Woyane. Such a Babylonic confusion of the term Ethiopia is also reflected in the Oromo liberation camp. For some Oromo nationalists, Ethiopia is the current modern state in which Oromia is located and need to be liberated; that is why the rhetoric Oromia-Ethiopia is not as such contradictory for it is possible to talk about Oromia in particular, and Ethiopia in general. To the other Oromo nationalists, Ethiopia is the same as Abyssinia, the neighboring country of Oromia, which occupied Oromia by force, so, from which, this Oromo land should separate unconditionally; that means for this group, talking about Oromia being within Ethiopia now is logically wrong.
When we talk about any conflict, be it personal or political, we actually should try to concentrate on its way of resolution rather than only being absorbed by its problem part. The problem part is usually described in multiple forms; another term used to replace the word conflict can be a term calledcontroversy even though the two words do have a bit difference in meaning. Controversy is a state of a prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of opinion, whereas a conflict is more of a quarrel of individuals or groups based on their different interests contradicting each other. A conflict resolution is often pursued in a wide-range of methods in addressing the possible sources of conflict – whether at the inter-personal level or between states – and in finding a means of resolving a given conflict or in continuing it through less destructive forms. The processes of conflict resolution do generally include negotiation, mediation, diplomacy and creative peace-building. We may then ask: can the conflict in the Ethiopian empire be solved in such approaches? What is actually the main conflict in this region?
It is clear that the main conflict in the empire is political, not only personal (not only that of the leaders); and, of course, it is not biological at all. I am almost convinced that the conflict between Abyssinia and Oromia is also not based on the “real” or perceived difference of our biological origins, but it is a result of the conflict between the two main political ideologies, between Abyssinianism (pseudo-Ethiopiawinet now propagated by both the Neo-Dergists and Neo-Nefxanyas) and Oromummaa/Cushinet (actually, the “True-Ethiopiawinet“). It is not like the political controversies, which can occur in a mono-national state, such as the class struggle in many Western countries, but it is the conflict between different national groups within a multinational state. Just to clarify the nature of the conflict in the Ethiopian empire, I would like to concentrate on the conflict between Abyssinian elites and the Oromo nation; of course, this does not mean the other oppressed nations in the region are not part of the conflict.
Abyssinian elites, being led by their ideology (Abyssinianism masked with Ethiopiawinet), used to act, and they are still acting, against the Oromo people and against our Oromummaa since their emergence in the northeastern part of Africa. This Abyssinianism is characterized by despotism, authoritarianism, terrorization of the indigenous nations, oppression, tyranny, etc. It is the software of alien colonizers, which is implanted in the hardware of the Abyssinized elites, so that these elites could subjugate their own kinds and kin. The result of the move of the hitherto Abyssinian leaders, being influenced by such suppressive Abyssinianism is the present status of Ethiopia, which made the country to be known as a land of hunger, misery and poverty. Not surprisingly, this destructive Abyssinianism is decorated and packed in a relatively good ideological name of the ancient Cushites, i.e. in Cushinet/”Ethiopiawinet.” This is the reason which compels the Oromo people and the other oppressed nations to identify and isolate the evil Abyssinianism from the holy Cushinet described in the ancient books. We don’t have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. In the holy book, Cushinet is associated with righteousness, whereas Abyssinianism is the opposite of this true Cushinet.
Unfortunately, the glorious ancient Cush has been denigrated, smeared and disgraced by the Abyssinian system of domination since thousands of years. It is only because of these dictatorial domination that this region is now at the bottom of the list of countries or regions regarding both democracy and development. Despite this hitherto lowest position, hopefully, through the liberation struggle of the Oromo and that of the other Cushitic nations, Cush’s original strength and glory will slowly come back, be it in a from of a mono-state named Cushland or as a multiple states (including the nation Oromia) living in a good neighborhood to each other in this region called Cush. It is up to the respective public to decide which one of the two forms of living together will prevail. In both cases, we, the Oromo people, will have our freedom from Abyssinianism in order to live and further strengthen Oromummaa orCushinet in its true ancient sense. We can achieve this on the doomsday of the present Abyssinian rulers. We will definitely not further allow them to hide themselves behind the names like Woyane (the name of the Raayyaa Oromo freedom fighters) and Ethiopia (Cush).
Actually, Cushinet is either the same as Oromummaa (if we consider Cush as Oromo, and Oromo as Cush) or it consists of Oromummaa (if we believe that Oromo nation is only a part of Cush, but it is not the whole Cush). Be it in one of these two definitions of the Oromo, fact is that both Oromummaa andCushinet are the anti-thesis of Abyssinianism (pseudo-Ethiopiawinet). This way or that way, Oromummaais the core of Cushinet in its true sense. The cunning Abyssinian elites smartly tried to separateOromummaa and destroy it, as well they just usurped the name Ethiopia (Cush) to cover their evil Abyssinianism. They tried to attack Oromummaa, especially by suppressing its three main elements:Afaan Oromoo (language), Aadaa Oromoo (culture) and Amanti Oromoo/Waaqeffannaa (religion). These Abyssinized elites (whom we call Abyssinians) are now hated by the Oromo and other oppressed nations, not necessarily because of their blood, but surely, due to their politics. Their politics is that of the colonizers or they are the slaves of the alien colonialists, being instrumentalized in subjugating the true Cush people (the ancient Oromians/Cushites); of course, the true Cush (Ethiopia) being totally different from the fake/Abyssinian/pseudo-Ethiopia, which is now under the influence of Abyssinianism.
This conflict between Abyssinianism (pseudo-Ethiopiawinet) and Oromummaa is still going on. The Abyssinian elites are still targeting the above mentioned three main elements of Oromummaa (Afaan,Aadaa and Amanti). Fortunately, Oromummaa, being characterized by the principles of freedom, Gadaa-democracy and independence, is slowly, but surely, moving forwards, and it is killing Abyssinianism gradually. The pro-democracy and pro-freedom movement of all nations in the empire are practically the allies of Oromummaa in fighting against Abyssinianism. That is why, the OLF in particular, and the Oromo people in general, should be inclusive of these forces against the on-going hegemony, dictatorship and tyranny, the characteristics of Abyssinianism. I know that, nowadays, even Abyssinian elites do preach and teach about democracy and freedom, but expectedly, almost all of them fail to accept and respect the right of nations to self-determination, which is indeed the alpha and omega of democracy.
These “pro-democracy,” but anti-self-determination politicians, are the “smart” Abyssinian elites, who try to hide their Abyssinianism behind the buzz words like human rights, individual freedom, democracy and justice, but deny the God-given right of all big and small nations to self-determination, including independence. Such a position on the rights of nations to self-determination is in fact the litmus paper to detect these elites, who are led by Abyssinianism and are active in any sort of political organization, wherever they hide themselves. Oromummaa is an ideology which believes unswervingly in the rights of citizens and nations to self-determination, including independence. It fights against all political minds, who want to dictate their causes, instead of trying to win the minds and hearts of the public for their camps. Even in the Oromo liberation bloc, we do observe such dictatorial minds, who want to achieve unconditional independence or unconditional union, instead of leaving the decision for the Oromo public. The minds of these dictatorial Oromo are surely contaminated with the virus of Abyssinianism.
When we look at the conflict areas in the Oromo liberation camp, it is absurd that we, Oromo nationalists, quarrel on the two options: federation vs. separation. Actually, these terms are used by and only appropriate for the minority nations at the geographical periphery like Tigrai. That is why Woyane elites love to preach federation as long as they are in power, and want to promote separation of Tigrai, in case they lose power in Finfinne palace. The appropriate concepts for the nation of the majority at the center, like the Oromo, are independence and integration. That means the Oromo people can benefit if we fight now together for our freedom from Woyane tyrants unconditionally, and then choose between an ‘Independent Core Oromia’ and an ‘Integrative Great Oromia,’ based on an Oromo public’s verdict; of course, after having an extensive and intensive debate and discussion on the benefit and cost of the two types of independence, which Oromia will have (based on the benefit and cost of independence and/or integration).
Specially, knowing the fact that the job of integrating the revived Cush with a genuine Cushinet being the future potential of a great Oromo nation, the present “keeper” of Abyssinianism, the Woyane, tries to discredit the Oromo liberation forces by accusing them as “anti-Ethiopia and separatists.” This is simply a crocodile tear of the tyrants; the fact on the ground being that, true Cushinet and Oromummaa are inseparable. The Oromo struggle rather can be seen as a means to revive the Cushinet on the grave of Abyssinianism, the evil ideology, which is now hidden behind the package of the good “Ethiopiawinet(Cushinet). The cunning Abyssinian elites do know the acceptance and fame of the name Ethiopia/Cush among the international community, and they use this name simply as a trademark in order to sell their hated Abyssinian identity. It is up to the Oromo nationalists and the nationals of the other Cushitic nations to expose this mischief, to isolate the historical Cushinet from the ongoing Abyssinianism, and to associate Cushinet back to its original good elements like Oromummaa.
That means, Cushinet must be made free from all characters of Abyssinianism and be refilled with the ancient good and glorious elements of Cush. One of these elements is the original monotheistic religion of the Cushites (Waaqeffannaa). Just as Judaism is the core identity of Israel, so is Waaqeffannaa that of Cushland. But, this does not mean that the other religions, like Christianity and Islam, do have no place in Cush. Here also, the same as Jerusalem is the holy city of both major religions, so is Finfinnee – the right home of Christianity and Islam. Oromians need to accommodate the true Cushitic (“True-Ethiopiawinet“) identity, instead of distance ourselves from it, just because of the fact that the nameEthiopia is already contaminated by the repressive Abyssinianism. We need to be confident enough to clean the name of Cush from this dirty ideology, and decorate it with the beautiful Oromummaa, being conscious that Abyssinianism is the symbol of tyranny, whereas Oromummaa is a paragon of liberty.
To make the difference between Abyssinian pseudo-Ethiopia and Oromian “True-Ethiopia”/Cush clear, let’s imagine two bottles of apple juice; one is filled with the true apple juice and the other with poisonous-chemical having the same color as the apple juice. On both bottles, it is written the nameapple, and we are given the chance to buy the juice. Surely, we can not identify the two externally for they do have similar color and the same name. To differentiate the two, we have to taste them. Then, we know that the contents are totally different; one is nutritive and useful, whereas the other is poisonous and destructive. The same is true about the name ‘Ethiopia.’ What matters is the content, not the bottle (name). Ethiopia with Abyssinianism as a content is like the bottle filled with the poisonous-chemical, i.e. despotic and destructive, whereas Cush with its true ingredients like Oromummaa is democratic and constructive. That is why, what we need in the region called Ethiopia/Cush is to get rid of Abyssinianism and to promote Oromummaa.
I know that this approach may sound Ethiopian-friendly and, surely, certain Oromo nationalists can accuse me of “being an Ethiopianist.” But, fact is that I personally do have no problem in liberating the core Oromia, the size of this Biyya-Oromoo being either as small as that of OPDO, about 360,000 SqKm; or as big as shown here:, about 800,000 SqKm. The reality on the ground is that, it is not less beneficial for the Oromo people in particular, and for all nations of the region in general, if we can re-build the Oromian Cush (“True-Ethiopia”) on the grave of the hitherto Abyssinian pseudo-Ethiopia. The Oromo people, as the majority at the center, can be confident enough to have this second type of sovereignty as another option or as an alternative. That is why the job of choosing between an ‘Independent Core Oromia’ and an ‘Integrative Great Oromia’ must be left to the Oromo public.
To bring the Oromo people to this level of decision making, all Oromo nationalists in the walk of life should learn to work together, instead of fighting against each other on minor issues. It is really disgusting, when we read from any Oromo nationalist supporting one faction of the Oromo liberation movement and turning her/his pen or verbal gun against another faction of our common liberation movement. As far as I am concerned, such pal-talkers and pal-writers are simply fools who do shy fighting against our current tormentor, against Woyane, but try to “roar like a lion” against another Oromo group, which may have a different approach to achieve our freedom. They are simply the dalga-fiigdota (horizontal runner, for it is an easy job) as described in Oromo proverb: ‘kan gaara bahuu dadhabe, dalga fiiga’ (who can’t walk uphill vertically will run horizontally). I am happy that some of thesedalga-fiigdota already stopped the senseless wasting of their precious talents, money and time in fighting against their fellow Oromo, and I encourage the rest to start exercising the process of conflict resolution like negotiation, mediation, diplomacy and creative peace-building. To this effect, the conflict among the Oromo liberation forces is not irreconcilable as our foes try to suggest and want to make us believe.
But, it is clear that the conflict between Abyssinianism (pseudo-Ethiopiawinet) and Oromummaa (“True-Ethiopiawinet“/Cushinet) is irreconcilable, which should end with a victory for Oromummaa. To assure this victory, there is no other way bypassing unity of the Oromo nationalists for our freedom. My wish here is as always to see all of us, Oromo nationals, fighting together against the oppressive Abyssinian elites’ system of domination and their Abyssinianism ideology in order to foster our freedom and independence, be it the future independent Oromia in a from of an ‘Independent Core Oromia’ or an ‘Integrative Great Oromia,’ with the common flag, which I already suggested: Abbaa-Gadaa’s flag (black-red-white) with Odaa and its surrounding golden sunshine in the middle. This newly constructed (mixed) flag can be used as the symbol of our unity for freedom, because it is the combination of OLF’s Odaasurrounded by golden shine, and Abbaa-Gadaa’s tricolor, the new mix which we can choose as a national flag of the future ‘Independent Core Oromia’ and/or that of ‘Integrative Great Oromia.’ By getting victory on both the Neo-Dergists and Neo-Nafxanyas, we can lead our Oromummaa to an indispensable victory over the pseudo-Ethiopiawinet (Habeshanet/Abyssinianism), and then we can conditionally foster, where possible, True-Ethiopiawinet (Cushinet) – including Oromummaa in the future union of free nations as an alternative to an Independent Gadaa Republic of Oromia. So, in short, Ethiopiawinet in a sense of Abyssinianism is irreconcilable with Oromummaa, whereas Ethiopiawinet in a sense of Cushinetis not only reconcilable, but also the same as Oromummaa. We just need to distinguish between the two meanings of Ethiopia. May Rabbii/Uumaa/Waqaa help us!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

VOICE OF OROMIA: Stop Clearing Oromo from their Land in the name of...

Stop Clearing Oromo from their Land in the name of boosting economic development Who will stand for the Oromo’s living on the outskirts of Finfinnee?

By Oncho G  | July 20, 2013              
A. Background
It is to be recalled that Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) was founded as the present capital city the so called Ethiopian in 1886 by a man called Minilik II. During this time, the area was inhabited by the Oromo people and the area was almost covered with natural forest.  Initially the Shawa government made it seat at Ankober. Hence, before the founding of Finfinee as a political and economic capital of the king, all the areas within the present Finfinnee and the surround areas was free like any other Oromia lands. However, after 1886 the Semitic people from the northern segments and others had taken the land and the Oromo people who were used to live in these areas were forced lost their land through time.
For example, according to Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia (2007) Out of the 2,738,248  100% total population living in Finfinnee,  the total number of the Oromo people living in the city was only 534,255 (19.51%). Since its founding as a capital, Finfinnee remained the capital city for the successive Ethiopian regimes (Menilik II, Lij Eyassu, Zawuditu, Hailesillasse I, Mengistu, Melles and HaileMariam). Through time, the number of inhabitants increased and urbanization expanded greatly. The deliberate and implicitly planned mission and decision  of the Semitic people to erase any sign of Oromo history from Finfinnee was started during the forcefully integration of Oromo people into Ethiopia as second-class citizens and the process has continued in the present government.
Different people mostly from the northern part of the so called Ethiopia have come from the various ethnic groups come and settled in the capital owing to its supper suitable agro-climatic and exploit the natural within the outside today’s Finfinne from the near distance in the name of work and investment. Where did those Oromo farmers go when Finfinnee became the property of new invaders? Be in mind that the Oromo’s are pushed to the peripheral areas of the capital and the number of Oromo people inhabitants decreased from time to time, as the above data depicts.  The indigenous people of the land were pushed out one after the other and were replaced by the invaders from the north. What is happening to the Oromo people living on the outskirt of Finfinne today? It is simply the continuation of a process, which had resulted in a massive displacement of an indigenous Oromo people.
B. The New Master Plan of Fifinnee and Areas to be Incorporated
For the last 100 or so years the Master Plan of Finfinnee city was revised several times. The recent proposal of preparing new Master Plan for City administration that planned to incorporates all the towns and districts lying within the range of 1 hour commuting distance from the Finfinnee, justifies the blatant violation of the constitution and their voracious appetite  to systematically replacing resource and land deficient people to these fertile lands owned by the Oromo people. According to the proposed plan of established the “Integrated Regional Development Plan”, an additional 36 towns and 17 districts currently administered by the Oromia regional State will be merged with Finfinnee so that the right of the land use will be determined by the central mayor .
The new Master Plan was intended to incorporate Oromia’s land locating in 100kms around the Finfinnee city. According to Ethiopia Government preparation, the following 36 Towns and 17 Districts are included in the newly planned Master plan. (See the figure 1.)
  • Some of the Towns are: Adama, Sodere, Mojo, Wenji Adama, Ejere,  Alem Tena, Koka, Adulala, Bushoftu, Dukem, Gelen, Akaki Beseka, Godino, Chefe Donsa, Sebeta , Sendafa, Milkewa, Wendoda, Sirti, Duber,Gorfo, Chancho, Mulo, Debra,Muger , Ulo, Adis Alem, Holota, Burayu,Debre Genet,  Illu Teji, Tefki, Sebeta, Boneya, Melka Kunture and etc.
  • Some of the Districts areas are: Adama, Dodota, Bora, Lome, Liben chukala, Adea (around Bushoftu), Akaki, Gimbichu, Bereh(around Sebeta),  Aleltu, Jida,  Sulultu, Ejere, Welmera, Illu, Sebeta Hawas and etc.
Today, when the world is concerned about preserving ecology and wild life in their natural habitat, it is an Ethiopian Government that is clearing an indigenous Oromo people from their home Land in the name of inequitable Economic Development.  Hence, who should stand and speak for these innocent people and argue to preserve the right of the extremely vulnerable Oromo people living in the proposed territories and to preserve the indigenous Oromo people, culture, Languages and etc. Otherwise sooner than latter these great people will be marginalized and lost their identities.
Figure 1:  The newly Developed and proposed Master Plan of  the tomorrow’s Finfinne over the coming 25 years 
C. The Agenda behind the “Integrated Regional Development Plan (IRDP)”
An office called “Addis Ababa and the surrounding Oromia Integrated Development Plan” prepared an International and National Conference on June 2013 at Adama Town, Galma Abba Gadaa. The Objective of organizing the conference of the top ranking government cadres (mostly OPDO’s) was to work on the manifesting of the proposed  Integrated Regional Development Plan (IRDP) and prepare the cadre’s to work on the people.
On the Conference, it was stated that, the Purposes of the “IRDP” are:
  • Instrumental to unleashing Regional Development Potentials
  • Enables localities addressing their mutual development challenges
  • Enables localities addressing their mutual development challenges
  • Strengthens complementarities and interconnection of localities
These purposes can be the explicit or clear objectives of the plan. However, the plan have hidden or implicit agenda. Systematically bringing the land under their custody so that, it will sooner or later scramble among their impoverished people in their region. For example, the Finfinnee City Administration and Finfinnee Special Zone can address their mutual development challenges without being incorporated into one master plan. However, the Master plan is not prepared on mutual benefit as the plan is solely prepared by Finfinnee City Administration, despite the name of the office. Hence, though development is boldly emphasized, the main purpose seems to clear the Oromo farmers from their lands in the name of unfair Economic Development
It was also stated that the Pillars of the Integrated Regional Development Plan are:
  • Regional Infrastructure Networks
  • Natural Resource and Environment Stewardship
  • Cross – Boundary Investments/ e.g FDI)
  • Joint Regional Projects
However, there seem hidden agenda behind these pillars. For example, in the name of cross-Boundary Investments, local Oromo farmers are going to lose their land for the so-called “investors” and under the pretext of promoting national economy through FDI initiatives In addition, if the plan is going to be realized natural and environmental degradation is inevitable.
In addition, the Basic Principles of the Integrated Regional Development Plan are:
  •   Ensuring Mutual Benefits
  •   A joint development Framework – not a substitute for local plans
  •   An Integrated Regional Plan voluntarily accepted by participating partners
  •   Differences resolved through negotiation and under in-win scenario
Nevertheless, the plan will not ensure a mutual benefit at it is largely intended to displace Oromo farmers from their land. In additions, the populations of the two areas are not homogenous. Hence, they have no common interest. Even though it is said the “IRDP’ will be voluntarily accepted by participating partners, the top cadres in Oromia themselves have strongly opposed the plan on the conference. Beside, the implicit objective of the plan is to remove/avoid the differences in language and culture there by to plant “Ethiopianism or Tigreans” on Oromo land. The plan is intended to say good bye to Oromo Culture and language. The other thing is that the differences between Oromo and others cannot be resolved as it is intended to eradicate Oromo identity, culture and language. As we know from history, Oromo’s never compromised on these issues. Hence, if the plan is to be implemented, peaceful co-existence may not be there.
D.  Problems that may come because of the Integrated Regional Development Plan
As different sources shown, many Oromo’s living in Special Zone has already lost their land in the name of foreign direct investment and land grasping. This is because of several factories are constructed in the special zone by taking the Lands from local Oromo farmers. It is not new to see Oromo labor workers or guards in their own land. Family members are highly displaced by this measure. Many went to street. Not only the displaced Oromos damaged by this. It is said chemical coming out of the factories are also hurting the health of the remaining Oromos. It is said that “In Central Oromia, thousands of people and their livestock died due to the industrial pollution directly released to rivers and lakes.”
Taking the above as an experience, there also different reasons why the newly Master plan of Finfinne should not be implemented on Oromo people. Some of the reasons are:
1. It will bring Extreme Poverty: It is inevitable that the local Oromo farmers lost their land in the name of investment and urbanization. This means that the Oromos are systematically cleaned from their own land, as they were cleaned from Finfinnee in earlier days. Hence, the local farmers lose their land which is part of their permanent asset. After the lose their land, the farmers will going to work for 300 birrr in the factory or serve as house servant or home guard, which is already started.  By doing so, the farmers face extreme poverty. In addition, the gap between rich and poor will very high. For example, one writer described the impact of “investment” saying:
“The current regime has sold out more than 3 million hectares of fertile land to the foreigner investors after forcefully displacing Oromo farmers from their ancestral land. The grabbing of land ended the indigenous people without shelter and foods. This displacement of the Oromo people accompanied by limitless human rights violations set the Oromo to be the vast number of immigrants in the Horn of Africa.”

2. Family displacement and disintegration: Members of a family will be displaced and disintegrated as a result of loosing their land. In addition, the workers of Finfinnee special zone will be displaced as they are working in Afan Oromo.
3. Abuse of constitutional rights: After long year of struggle and sacrifice of thousands of Life, Afan Oromo given constitution right to be used in administration, school and other sectors in Oromia region. This is one of the basic objectives that Oromos has been struggling. However, if the master plan is going to be implemented, working language of Finfinnee City, Amharic, is going to be used in the areas. By doing so, the local people will be forced to learn new language to use it for different purpose. The measure will take back Oromo to the “Atse” region. The Federal Constitution states“Every people, nation and nationality have the right to speak, to write and to develop their own language, as well as to express, to develop and to promote their culture and history.Article 39” will be clearly violated. The Oromo living in Finfinnee Special Zone will lose the rights that the FDRE constitution guarantees them.
4. Academic and psychological impacts on Oromo students: If the newly proposed master plan of Finfinnee City is going to be implemented, Oromo students living in the surrounding area will attend their education in Amharic, which is second language to the students. It is strongly argued that using the native languages of students as a medium of instruction is a decisive factor for effective learning However, this situation, failure to give a role to native languages and largely depending on second/foreign language instruction, brought various difficulties to students. The students are expected to entangle not only with learning the subject matters but also the language itself. It also creates difficulty to students in expressing themselves and as a result it limits their classroom participation as there is fear of making mistakes. In addition, it is a barrier to smooth classroom communication. It is also argued that use of a second/foreign language in education negatively affects the ability and the ease with which knowledge is acquired by students. It also affects the performance of students and creates difficulties in developing their cognitive skills . Moreover, giving low status to native languages of students in educational setting leads to marginalization of majority of the citizens from active engagement in the development arena. In general, the master plan will have negative impacts on Oromo students in various academic aspects.
5. Impact on Identity and Culture of Local Oromo People: The new plan will make Oromos to lose their identity and culture, like the previous regimes did. This is because people having different identity and culture are going to settle on Oromo land. The settlers will push out the Oromo identity and replace by their own.  The Oromo’s will have very limited opportunity to exercise their cultural value and linguistic form. The language and cultural development will be also hampered by the new plan.
6. Economic impact: If the master plan is going to be realized, the Finfinnee City Adminstration will control all economic aspects of the areas. The income that is collected from different factories  will be taken.  The Oromiya government will loose great income to  Finfinnee city administration.
7. Impact on Natural Resource and Environment: As the result of the plan, there will be overspread ground and surface water pollution. In addition, there will be severe deforestation and natural resource depletion.
8. Cutting Oromia into East and West Regions: The new Master Plan of Finfinne city will cut the current Oromia into two parts i.e. Eastern and Western. This is because the Central and great part of Oromia is proposed to be taken and incorporated into Finfinnee. Hence, the Central part that joins East and West will be taken. 
D. What Should be done to Save the Oromo People around Finfinnee
As shown above, the master plan is so disadvantage for Oromia. In general, if we see the plan, it will affect local Oromo people in various aspects.  However, the government who is supposed to represent the Oromo people is unable to see the danger. So we kindly ask the Oromos at home and Diaspora and other concerned bodies to forward ways and mechanisms to stop the intended plan. We ask the Oromo people and international communities, who will stand for the Oromo’s living around Finfinnee??
If we read an honest history of the present and past Governments of Ethiopia, we would conclude that the present Government is truly facing a difficult dilemma. At the dawn of the 21st century, we can neither run away from ourselves nor hide our realities. We have to face our generation and the historical realities of our time. It is undeniable that today, people demand respect for their human and national rights. Above all, people will not rest until their identity and their sovereignty over what is theirs is ensured. These are the peoples’ most burning issues. They realize that they have to make utmost effort of their own. It is within the context of the above-mentioned framework that the Oromo people resolutely demand their rights and freedom. It is to those who want to deny the rights and freedoms of the people that we are most bitterly opposed. It is a crime to deny the national identity and sovereignty of a people no matter how sophisticated the tactics used to do so. It is equally wrong to see the national desire of a people from a selfish perspective. It is based on the above concepts and precepts that the Oromo people continue their unceasing and bitter struggle against being treated as second class citizens. We know that our struggle is just for it is motivated by our desire to preserve our dignity and identity as a people.
We, the sons and daughters of the Oromo people, strenuously oppose the implementation of new Master Plan for Finfinne administration because we fully understand the historical development of the desire of other people to displace the Oromo people in order to benefit the non-Oromo new comers and their lackeys in this country. This highly orchestrated conspiracy, the present Oromo generation shall not tolerate at any cost. It will steadfastly and resolutely resist the conspiracy.
We also request international communities to put pressure on FDRE/TPLF Government and Finfinnee City Administration to stop the proposed Master Plan, which directly or indirectly harm the Oromo people.
We call on the Federal Government of Ethiopia, House of Peoples’ Representatives, the Federation Council, the Oromia Council  to stop clearing Oromo people from their home Land in the name of inequitable Development and replacing others on their land.
Please generate comments as many as possible on what should be done about the plan.
May Waaq Gurraacha help us!
 From: Sabbontoota Oromoo, Oromia.
We are always Oromo First!!!!
Sabbontoota Oromo can be reached at .

Stop Clearing Oromo from their Land in the name of boosting economic development Who will stand for the Oromo’s living on the outskirts of Finfinnee?

By Oncho G  | July 20, 2013              
A. Background
It is to be recalled that Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) was founded as the present capital city the so called Ethiopian in 1886 by a man called Minilik II. During this time, the area was inhabited by the Oromo people and the area was almost covered with natural forest.  Initially the Shawa government made it seat at Ankober. Hence, before the founding of Finfinee as a political and economic capital of the king, all the areas within the present Finfinnee and the surround areas was free like any other Oromia lands. However, after 1886 the Semitic people from the northern segments and others had taken the land and the Oromo people who were used to live in these areas were forced lost their land through time.
For example, according to Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia (2007) Out of the 2,738,248  100% total population living in Finfinnee,  the total number of the Oromo people living in the city was only 534,255 (19.51%). Since its founding as a capital, Finfinnee remained the capital city for the successive Ethiopian regimes (Menilik II, Lij Eyassu, Zawuditu, Hailesillasse I, Mengistu, Melles and HaileMariam). Through time, the number of inhabitants increased and urbanization expanded greatly. The deliberate and implicitly planned mission and decision  of the Semitic people to erase any sign of Oromo history from Finfinnee was started during the forcefully integration of Oromo people into Ethiopia as second-class citizens and the process has continued in the present government.
Different people mostly from the northern part of the so called Ethiopia have come from the various ethnic groups come and settled in the capital owing to its supper suitable agro-climatic and exploit the natural within the outside today’s Finfinne from the near distance in the name of work and investment. Where did those Oromo farmers go when Finfinnee became the property of new invaders? Be in mind that the Oromo’s are pushed to the peripheral areas of the capital and the number of Oromo people inhabitants decreased from time to time, as the above data depicts.  The indigenous people of the land were pushed out one after the other and were replaced by the invaders from the north. What is happening to the Oromo people living on the outskirt of Finfinne today? It is simply the continuation of a process, which had resulted in a massive displacement of an indigenous Oromo people.
B. The New Master Plan of Fifinnee and Areas to be Incorporated
For the last 100 or so years the Master Plan of Finfinnee city was revised several times. The recent proposal of preparing new Master Plan for City administration that planned to incorporates all the towns and districts lying within the range of 1 hour commuting distance from the Finfinnee, justifies the blatant violation of the constitution and their voracious appetite  to systematically replacing resource and land deficient people to these fertile lands owned by the Oromo people. According to the proposed plan of established the “Integrated Regional Development Plan”, an additional 36 towns and 17 districts currently administered by the Oromia regional State will be merged with Finfinnee so that the right of the land use will be determined by the central mayor .
The new Master Plan was intended to incorporate Oromia’s land locating in 100kms around the Finfinnee city. According to Ethiopia Government preparation, the following 36 Towns and 17 Districts are included in the newly planned Master plan. (See the figure 1.)
  • Some of the Towns are: Adama, Sodere, Mojo, Wenji Adama, Ejere,  Alem Tena, Koka, Adulala, Bushoftu, Dukem, Gelen, Akaki Beseka, Godino, Chefe Donsa, Sebeta , Sendafa, Milkewa, Wendoda, Sirti, Duber,Gorfo, Chancho, Mulo, Debra,Muger , Ulo, Adis Alem, Holota, Burayu,Debre Genet,  Illu Teji, Tefki, Sebeta, Boneya, Melka Kunture and etc.
  • Some of the Districts areas are: Adama, Dodota, Bora, Lome, Liben chukala, Adea (around Bushoftu), Akaki, Gimbichu, Bereh(around Sebeta),  Aleltu, Jida,  Sulultu, Ejere, Welmera, Illu, Sebeta Hawas and etc.
Today, when the world is concerned about preserving ecology and wild life in their natural habitat, it is an Ethiopian Government that is clearing an indigenous Oromo people from their home Land in the name of inequitable Economic Development.  Hence, who should stand and speak for these innocent people and argue to preserve the right of the extremely vulnerable Oromo people living in the proposed territories and to preserve the indigenous Oromo people, culture, Languages and etc. Otherwise sooner than latter these great people will be marginalized and lost their identities.
Figure 1:  The newly Developed and proposed Master Plan of  the tomorrow’s Finfinne over the coming 25 years 
C. The Agenda behind the “Integrated Regional Development Plan (IRDP)”
An office called “Addis Ababa and the surrounding Oromia Integrated Development Plan” prepared an International and National Conference on June 2013 at Adama Town, Galma Abba Gadaa. The Objective of organizing the conference of the top ranking government cadres (mostly OPDO’s) was to work on the manifesting of the proposed  Integrated Regional Development Plan (IRDP) and prepare the cadre’s to work on the people.
On the Conference, it was stated that, the Purposes of the “IRDP” are:
  • Instrumental to unleashing Regional Development Potentials
  • Enables localities addressing their mutual development challenges
  • Enables localities addressing their mutual development challenges
  • Strengthens complementarities and interconnection of localities
These purposes can be the explicit or clear objectives of the plan. However, the plan have hidden or implicit agenda. Systematically bringing the land under their custody so that, it will sooner or later scramble among their impoverished people in their region. For example, the Finfinnee City Administration and Finfinnee Special Zone can address their mutual development challenges without being incorporated into one master plan. However, the Master plan is not prepared on mutual benefit as the plan is solely prepared by Finfinnee City Administration, despite the name of the office. Hence, though development is boldly emphasized, the main purpose seems to clear the Oromo farmers from their lands in the name of unfair Economic Development
It was also stated that the Pillars of the Integrated Regional Development Plan are:
  • Regional Infrastructure Networks
  • Natural Resource and Environment Stewardship
  • Cross – Boundary Investments/ e.g FDI)
  • Joint Regional Projects
However, there seem hidden agenda behind these pillars. For example, in the name of cross-Boundary Investments, local Oromo farmers are going to lose their land for the so-called “investors” and under the pretext of promoting national economy through FDI initiatives In addition, if the plan is going to be realized natural and environmental degradation is inevitable.
In addition, the Basic Principles of the Integrated Regional Development Plan are:
  •   Ensuring Mutual Benefits
  •   A joint development Framework – not a substitute for local plans
  •   An Integrated Regional Plan voluntarily accepted by participating partners
  •   Differences resolved through negotiation and under in-win scenario
Nevertheless, the plan will not ensure a mutual benefit at it is largely intended to displace Oromo farmers from their land. In additions, the populations of the two areas are not homogenous. Hence, they have no common interest. Even though it is said the “IRDP’ will be voluntarily accepted by participating partners, the top cadres in Oromia themselves have strongly opposed the plan on the conference. Beside, the implicit objective of the plan is to remove/avoid the differences in language and culture there by to plant “Ethiopianism or Tigreans” on Oromo land. The plan is intended to say good bye to Oromo Culture and language. The other thing is that the differences between Oromo and others cannot be resolved as it is intended to eradicate Oromo identity, culture and language. As we know from history, Oromo’s never compromised on these issues. Hence, if the plan is to be implemented, peaceful co-existence may not be there.
D.  Problems that may come because of the Integrated Regional Development Plan
As different sources shown, many Oromo’s living in Special Zone has already lost their land in the name of foreign direct investment and land grasping. This is because of several factories are constructed in the special zone by taking the Lands from local Oromo farmers. It is not new to see Oromo labor workers or guards in their own land. Family members are highly displaced by this measure. Many went to street. Not only the displaced Oromos damaged by this. It is said chemical coming out of the factories are also hurting the health of the remaining Oromos. It is said that “In Central Oromia, thousands of people and their livestock died due to the industrial pollution directly released to rivers and lakes.”
Taking the above as an experience, there also different reasons why the newly Master plan of Finfinne should not be implemented on Oromo people. Some of the reasons are:
1. It will bring Extreme Poverty: It is inevitable that the local Oromo farmers lost their land in the name of investment and urbanization. This means that the Oromos are systematically cleaned from their own land, as they were cleaned from Finfinnee in earlier days. Hence, the local farmers lose their land which is part of their permanent asset. After the lose their land, the farmers will going to work for 300 birrr in the factory or serve as house servant or home guard, which is already started.  By doing so, the farmers face extreme poverty. In addition, the gap between rich and poor will very high. For example, one writer described the impact of “investment” saying:
“The current regime has sold out more than 3 million hectares of fertile land to the foreigner investors after forcefully displacing Oromo farmers from their ancestral land. The grabbing of land ended the indigenous people without shelter and foods. This displacement of the Oromo people accompanied by limitless human rights violations set the Oromo to be the vast number of immigrants in the Horn of Africa.”

2. Family displacement and disintegration: Members of a family will be displaced and disintegrated as a result of loosing their land. In addition, the workers of Finfinnee special zone will be displaced as they are working in Afan Oromo.
3. Abuse of constitutional rights: After long year of struggle and sacrifice of thousands of Life, Afan Oromo given constitution right to be used in administration, school and other sectors in Oromia region. This is one of the basic objectives that Oromos has been struggling. However, if the master plan is going to be implemented, working language of Finfinnee City, Amharic, is going to be used in the areas. By doing so, the local people will be forced to learn new language to use it for different purpose. The measure will take back Oromo to the “Atse” region. The Federal Constitution states“Every people, nation and nationality have the right to speak, to write and to develop their own language, as well as to express, to develop and to promote their culture and history.Article 39” will be clearly violated. The Oromo living in Finfinnee Special Zone will lose the rights that the FDRE constitution guarantees them.
4. Academic and psychological impacts on Oromo students: If the newly proposed master plan of Finfinnee City is going to be implemented, Oromo students living in the surrounding area will attend their education in Amharic, which is second language to the students. It is strongly argued that using the native languages of students as a medium of instruction is a decisive factor for effective learning However, this situation, failure to give a role to native languages and largely depending on second/foreign language instruction, brought various difficulties to students. The students are expected to entangle not only with learning the subject matters but also the language itself. It also creates difficulty to students in expressing themselves and as a result it limits their classroom participation as there is fear of making mistakes. In addition, it is a barrier to smooth classroom communication. It is also argued that use of a second/foreign language in education negatively affects the ability and the ease with which knowledge is acquired by students. It also affects the performance of students and creates difficulties in developing their cognitive skills . Moreover, giving low status to native languages of students in educational setting leads to marginalization of majority of the citizens from active engagement in the development arena. In general, the master plan will have negative impacts on Oromo students in various academic aspects.
5. Impact on Identity and Culture of Local Oromo People: The new plan will make Oromos to lose their identity and culture, like the previous regimes did. This is because people having different identity and culture are going to settle on Oromo land. The settlers will push out the Oromo identity and replace by their own.  The Oromo’s will have very limited opportunity to exercise their cultural value and linguistic form. The language and cultural development will be also hampered by the new plan.
6. Economic impact: If the master plan is going to be realized, the Finfinnee City Adminstration will control all economic aspects of the areas. The income that is collected from different factories  will be taken.  The Oromiya government will loose great income to  Finfinnee city administration.
7. Impact on Natural Resource and Environment: As the result of the plan, there will be overspread ground and surface water pollution. In addition, there will be severe deforestation and natural resource depletion.
8. Cutting Oromia into East and West Regions: The new Master Plan of Finfinne city will cut the current Oromia into two parts i.e. Eastern and Western. This is because the Central and great part of Oromia is proposed to be taken and incorporated into Finfinnee. Hence, the Central part that joins East and West will be taken. 
D. What Should be done to Save the Oromo People around Finfinnee
As shown above, the master plan is so disadvantage for Oromia. In general, if we see the plan, it will affect local Oromo people in various aspects.  However, the government who is supposed to represent the Oromo people is unable to see the danger. So we kindly ask the Oromos at home and Diaspora and other concerned bodies to forward ways and mechanisms to stop the intended plan. We ask the Oromo people and international communities, who will stand for the Oromo’s living around Finfinnee??
If we read an honest history of the present and past Governments of Ethiopia, we would conclude that the present Government is truly facing a difficult dilemma. At the dawn of the 21st century, we can neither run away from ourselves nor hide our realities. We have to face our generation and the historical realities of our time. It is undeniable that today, people demand respect for their human and national rights. Above all, people will not rest until their identity and their sovereignty over what is theirs is ensured. These are the peoples’ most burning issues. They realize that they have to make utmost effort of their own. It is within the context of the above-mentioned framework that the Oromo people resolutely demand their rights and freedom. It is to those who want to deny the rights and freedoms of the people that we are most bitterly opposed. It is a crime to deny the national identity and sovereignty of a people no matter how sophisticated the tactics used to do so. It is equally wrong to see the national desire of a people from a selfish perspective. It is based on the above concepts and precepts that the Oromo people continue their unceasing and bitter struggle against being treated as second class citizens. We know that our struggle is just for it is motivated by our desire to preserve our dignity and identity as a people.
We, the sons and daughters of the Oromo people, strenuously oppose the implementation of new Master Plan for Finfinne administration because we fully understand the historical development of the desire of other people to displace the Oromo people in order to benefit the non-Oromo new comers and their lackeys in this country. This highly orchestrated conspiracy, the present Oromo generation shall not tolerate at any cost. It will steadfastly and resolutely resist the conspiracy.
We also request international communities to put pressure on FDRE/TPLF Government and Finfinnee City Administration to stop the proposed Master Plan, which directly or indirectly harm the Oromo people.
We call on the Federal Government of Ethiopia, House of Peoples’ Representatives, the Federation Council, the Oromia Council  to stop clearing Oromo people from their home Land in the name of inequitable Development and replacing others on their land.
Please generate comments as many as possible on what should be done about the plan.
May Waaq Gurraacha help us!
 From: Sabbontoota Oromoo, Oromia.
We are always Oromo First!!!!
Sabbontoota Oromo can be reached at